2nd Half of Feb to be Windy & Hot, With Temperature Up to 34°C

I’ve never expected myself to say this, but with the COVID-19 virus lingering in Singapore, I’ll say it: Singapore is going to be hot in the next two weeks and it’s goody.

Goody because there are studies that show that hot and humid weather might just end COVID-19, since other coronavirus cannot survive long in colder temperature. To us Singaporeans, it might not be obvious since we’ve summer all year long, but in other countries that have four seasons, more people have flu during colder seasons and less during hotter season.

Not that it makes any difference here in Singapore, but hey: any difference is goody difference, right?

So how’s the weather like for the next two weeks?

2nd Half of Feb to be Windy & Hot, With Temperature Up to 34°C

On most days, it’ll be windy because of “an intensification of a high-pressure system over north Asia is forecast to bring a strengthening of winds over the South China Sea region including Singapore.”

I also don’t know what that means so just remember: if you’re thin, wear more clothes if not the wind might blow you to Malaysia or Bali.

There will be one or two days with rain on the third week of February, and slightly more rain in the last week of February. The good news is that it’ll occur in the afternoon so you won’t need to come to the office with wet shoes.

The rainfall for the entire month is going to be normal so we won’t be seeing any ponding anywhere.

I hope.

Temperatures will be between 24°C and 33°C, and there would be some days that Singapore will boil at  34°C. Hopefully that’ll melt those nasty COVID-19 bugs, too.

You can watch Dr Eeqmal Hassim from Meteorological Service Singapore reporting the weather happily here:

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