3 People Died After Jumping Into Pool With Dry Ice At Russian IG Influencer’s Pool Party

Dry ice in swimming pools is something that has been done over and over again.

From science geeks

To, well, science geeks.

Unfortunately, this time, it went really, really badly.

Special Effects

The Moscow party was to celebrate the birthday of Ms Ekaterina Didenko.

She is an Instagram influencer with over a million followers and advises people on how to save on pharmaceutical products.

On the day of her party, dry ice was thrown into the swimming pool for special visual effects.

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People Allegedly Jumped Into The Pool

According to reports, three people had allegedly jumped into the pool after the dry ice had fallen into the water.

This caused them to suffer chemical reactions.

According to BBC, the guests who had jumped into the pool immediately began to choke and several of them lost consciousness.

A preliminary analysis indicated that the cause of death was suffocation.

The dry ice was supposed to create a fog cloud over the pool. However, when dry ice (which is the solid form of carbon dioxide) mixes with water, it creates swirling clouds that can also cause explosions.

Two people died at the party, while one more died in the hospital said Russia’s investigative committee in a statement.

They have also announced that they will launch investigations and a criminal probe into the incident.

Ms Didenko’s Husband Died In Hospital

What’s perhaps the most heartbreaking of it all is that it was Ms Didenko’s husband, Valentine who died at the hospital.

A video was released on Mash news channel messenger service showing a video of a distraught Ms Didenko who said that she had survived the accident.

She also paid tribute to her husband after it was confirmed that he had died.

Image: Giphy

We sincerely hope that Ms Didenko will be able to move forward from this incident. We offer our condolences to the family members and everyone involved.

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