Remember how yesterday, we said that it’s a good day because there is no case reported in the community?
Well, turns out that today’s going to be a better day because, for one, it’s a lower figure, and two, there are no cases in the community again.
As of 12pm on 15 Sep 2020, the Ministry of Health (MOH) preliminarily reported 34 new Covid-19 cases.
This brings the total number of cases in Singapore to 57,488.
Based on investigations so far, there are no cases in the community.
There are, however, six imported cases, all of whom were placed on Stay-Home-Notice upon arrival in Singapore.
More details will be released tonight.
Details On 14 Sep 2020 Cases
The good news has not been in short supply in the last few days.
48 new cases of the coronavirus were reported on Monday (14 Sep), but none of them were community cases.

MOH said the average number of community cases reported daily has decreased from two cases a week before to one in the past week.
The number of unlinked cases has also decreased, from a daily average of two to one over the same period.
47 of the new cases were asymptomatic and were detected from screening and surveillance, according to MOH.
This is why masks are so important.
There were 5 imported cases in total, including a short-term visit pass holder who is also a contact of two previous cases.
All five imported cases had been placed on stay-home notice upon their arrival in Singapore, said MOH.
Anytime Fitness At Queensway Shopping Centre Visited By Covid-19 Patients 4 Times In Sep
Two eateries and a shopping mall were added to the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) list of public places visited by infectious Covid-19 cases, the ministry said on Monday (14 Sep).
They are Shake Shack at Liat Towers, the 4Fingers Crispy Chicken outlet at Changi Airport Terminal 3, and West Mall.
The most notable addition, though, was Queensway Shopping Centre, whose Anytime Fitness gym was listed four times on separate days.

Looks like the coronavirus has a date coming up.
Remember, there’s no need to avoid visiting these places; NEA will ensure they’ve been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, so it’ll be clean enough for you to eat off the floor.
Reader: I’ve already been eating off the floor.
Those who visited these locations at the specified times are advised to monitor their health for the next 14 days from their date of visit.
If you have a cough, runny nose, or sore throat, or exhibit any symptom of acute respiratory infection, including fever and a loss of taste and smell, you should see a doctor immediately.
You should also inform your doctor about your exposure history.
Two New Clusters
As we’ve seen repeatedly during the Covid-19 crisis, a piece of good news is often followed by an avalanche of bad news.
Out of the 48 new cases, 43 were migrant workers in dormitories, including 29 who had already been quarantined as they were contacts of previous cases.
The remaining 14 were detected through surveillance testing.
The bad news, though, is that two new dormitory clusters have been identified – at Jurong Penjuru Dormitory 1 and Jurong Penjuru Dormitory 2.
Moreover, an additional 31 cases have been linked to another cluster at Avery Lodge Dormitory, which now has 100 cases.
All we have to do is find a way to control the spread of the virus in dormitories, and we’ll defeat this virus.
That is easier said than done, however.