35 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (30 Mar); 26 Cases Are Local & 3 New Clusters Found

Did you clap earlier today?

If you did, good for you, because given that there are now so many more new local cases in Singapore than imported cases, we’re in for a long fight.

Here’s today’s announcement.

35 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (30 Mar); 26 Cases Are Local & 3 New Clusters Found

Of the 35 new cases in Singapore today, 9 are imported. They’ve been to regions like Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East and ASEAN.

As for the remaining 26 cases, 14 of them are currently unlinked.

12 are linked to previously confirmed cases or clusters.

3 New Clusters Found

Today, 3 new clusters were found as well.

The first is Hero’s, a bar in Circular Road that’s now closed until 30 April 2020 due to the new measures. This cluster comprises just cases that were previously reported—in fact, all the way to a case that was reported on 13 March 2020. The cluster now has 5 confirmed cases.

The second is a dormitory at Punggol with 4 confirmed cases, in which 2 were reported today.

The last is a serviced apartment (think of it as a long-term hotel) at Wilby Road, in which 7 cases are linked to it. Just like the first new cluster, it involves cases that were reported quite a while back; one was reported on 21 March 2020.

In addition, MOH has also updated us on a healthcare worker who’s infected: it’s a 20-year-old Malaysian who works in NCID as a porter—a  porter is a person who carries things (or roll, in this case) around. His source of infection is unknown at this moment.

Updates on Current Cases

All in all, Singapore now has 879 confirmed cases.

228 patients have fully recovered and are discharged, while 19 are still in ICU. 3 have passed away due to complications from COVID-19.

The conditions of the remaining patients are stable or improving, and 228 of them who are clinically well but still test positive for COVID-19 are isolated and cared for at Concord International Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital and the Community Isolation Facility at D’Resort NTUC.

As of noon today, MOH has identified 12,984 close contacts who have been quarantined. Of these, 4,737 are currently quarantined, and 8,247 have completed their quarantine.

You can do your part as a responsible citizen through helping out in contact tracing by downloading the TraceTogether app.

In the meantime, keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.

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