Someone once said that if you hold an egg in scorching hot weather, it’ll most likely turn into a hard-boiled egg.
You may think, Siao ah, that’s too far of a stretch!
Well, maybe.
But in Singapore’s context? I would arguably think it’s possible after all.
I mean, we’re located just 1 degree north of the equator. It’s no wonder we’re characterized by a hot and humid climate.
While we all long for the four clear-cut seasons, here are four unique ways to keep yourself cool whenever the sun is burning the ground.
If you prefer to watch a video about this topic instead, here you go:
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1. Wear loose-fitting clothes
Some like to wear tight clothes to show off your figure (*coughs* if you have one), while others wear them to feel cooler.
No. It’s not BS.
By wearing loose-fitting clothes, it’ll move around as you move. This creates a natural breeze that will lower the surrounding temperature.
It will also make you feel less sweaty and sticky so that’s a double plus.
If that still fails, the other solution is to lug a fan everywhere you go.
2. Wear light-coloured clothes
Wearing different colored clothes does allow a person to stay warmer or cooler.
There’s actually a principle behind this.
The light that the human eye can see is made up of various coloured wavelengths. When combined, it forms white.
In short, dark colours absorb more heat because they absorb more light from the environment.
Have you ever entered a black car that’s been parked under the sun?
Does it not feel like you just walked into a 90-degree sauna room?
3. Walk in a garden or somewhere with lots of trees
Research has shown that on a sunny day, a single healthy tree can have enormous cooling power.
How much power exactly? The equivalent of more than 10 air-conditioning units.
You see, water evaporates from leaves when they’re exposed to the sun, and unlike concrete that traps heat, plants make an area cooler.
If you’re still doubtful, just ask anyone who’s served National Service in the army.
They would most likely tell you it can get pretty cooling in the jungle. Even when it’s sunny.
4. Drink cold drinks or eat ice cream
Have you ever heard of the rumour of how drinking cold drinks or eating ice-cream under the sun can relieve heat?
No, it isn’t a rumour. It’s a fact.
And newsflash: You can even drink hot drinks if you’re feeling hot too.
That depends on the situation though.
If it’s humid, then go for cold drinks, as you’d be losing lots of water. As such, you would need to sweat it out to keep yourself cool.
But if you’re not wearing a lot of clothes and your sweats can dry up fast, then have a cup of hot water. The whole idea is that you’d generate more heat in your body, which causes you to sweat more and cool yourself.
You see, the entire goal of drinking water during a sunny day is simple: make sure you’re hydrated and make sure you feel cool. Not to reduce the temperature in your body, because, haven’t you heard?
The temperature in our body is always 36.9°C. Or somewhere around there.
Featured Image: YIUCHEUNG /