51 Celebrities, Including Jay Chou, Appear In Music Video To Support Wuhan Medical Workers

The Wuhan virus has been ravaging China and other parts of the world for the past month and many people want to do their part.

Celebrities have bought and sent face masks over to China.

The Singapore government invested $1 million to help groups in China fight against the coronavirus.

And now, celebrities are looking to do their part too.

51 Celebrities Appear In MV To Give Words Of Encouragement

In Singapore, the Wuhan virus outbreak isn’t that bad and Singaporeans are still queueing up to buy lottery tickets for the $12 million draw.

But in Wuhan, it’s a different story.

The coronavirus has killed and infected more than the SARS virus did back in 2003.

Medical workers died and thousands more are living in fear every single day.

51 celebrities, including Nicholas Tse, Jay Chou, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen and other big names in the Taiwan, Hong Kong and China entertainment industry, decided to do something about it.

On 1 Feb, a music video titled Wuhan, Are You Okay? was released online. It was a song dedicated to Wuhan.

The celebrities offered words of encouragement for Wuhan and thanked the medical workers for their bravery.

You can watch the video below:

But this isn’t the only song.

G.E.M Also Sang A Song For Wuhan

On 27 Jan 2020, an unidentified man walked into Xiaohuashan Police Station with boxes of face masks in his arms.

He left the masks on the counter and hastily fled the scene.

Touched, G.E.M wrote the song in honour of him and other ordinary people doing their part to help others.

She wants to remind everyone that no matter how “insignificant” your efforts might seem, it actually brings a lot of warmth to this world.

Listen to the song and watch the MV below carefully. Disclaimer: it brought our resident bufflord95 to tears so prepare lots and lots of tissues.

Other than overseas singers, Singapore’s local songbirds wrote a song too.

Stefanie Sun & JJ Lin’s “I’ll Stay With You”

The song, meaningfully titled I’ll Stay With You, is musically arranged and sung by Lin, while Sun contributed the lyrics to it.

They hope that their song will provide comfort to people battling against the coronavirus and let them know that they’re not alone.

At the end of the music video of the song, a message is dedicated to those in Hubei province: “With love, no city is locked down.”


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No matter the challenge, Love will always prevail. 就算 再艰难 爱 不会离开 I’ll Stay With You @stefsunyanzi 《STAY WITH YOU》 词:孙燕姿 曲:林俊杰 编曲 Music Arrangement:JJ 林俊杰 弦乐编写 Strings Arrangement : JJ 林俊杰 吉他 Guitar:黄冠龙 大提琴 Cello:刘芸贝 Mixed by JJ 林俊杰 Mastered by JJ 林俊杰 Recorded, Mixed and Mastered at THE JFJ BLUE ROOM (SINGAPORE) 鸣谢:吴庆隆、洪俊扬 视频制作: 剪接、后制 – JJ 林俊杰 封面照片拍摄 – 钟小锋 封底照片加工和文案制作 – 人民日报 版权属于JFJ Productions(除歌词属于 Make Music),未经正式授权者(不论个人或团体): • 严禁商用 • 严禁二改 • 严禁重制

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If there’s one thing we can all take from this, it’s that the Wuhan coronavirus isn’t just China’s problem.

And that they’re suffering just as much as, if not more than, us.


As decent, rational human beings with compassionate hearts, shouldn’t we try to help them in this time of suffering?

And we don’t mean going to Watson’s and clearing away their face masks and sending it to them.

Even something as simple as stopping yourself (or others) from heckling China online could help.

After all, it might seem significant but it could bring a lot of warmth to others. Not I say one, is G.E.M.

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