52 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (26 Mar); 1 is a Local Doctor Who is Currently Unlinked

We’ve been warned about more confirmed cases in Singapore in recent weeks.

And today, the Finance Minister has also rolled out measures that seem to last for months to protect people’s livelihoods.

So these could only mean one thing: the onslaught of COVID-19 isn’t going to stop anytime, because today, 52 new cases were reported and just like yesterday, almost half of them are local cases.

Here’s today’s announcement.

52 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (26 Mar)

NCID Singapore
Image: Momentos_sg / Shutterstock.com

Out of the 52 cases, 28 are imported cases.

This time around, the bulk didn’t come from the UK but spread out among many countries; in fact, some of their travel history were “pending”.

The other 24 cases are local cases, and 10 of them are linked to previously confirmed cases or clusters. 2 cases are linked to the cluster at PCF Fengshan while 1 is linked to Dover Court International School, with the rest being linked to other previously confirmed cases.

This means the PCF Fengshan cluster now has a total of 20 linked cases.

MOH is still trying to establish the links for the other 14 local cases.

While all cases are listed down in a table now, one case stood out: Case 666.

Pretty sure MOH isn’t just superstitious with number.

She stood out because she’s an Associate Consultant at the National Skin Centre, which basically means a doctor. She’s a 32-year-old Singaporean who first felt sick on 24 March and was confirmed to be positive this morning.

Image: Great New Places

She’s now isolated in Singapore General Hospital.

Updates on Current Cases

In total, we now have 683 cases in Singapore. Just for comparison’s sake, in the beginning of the month, we have merely 106 cases.

172 patients have fully recovered and are discharged, while 18 are in ICU. 2 patients have passed away.

The conditions of the remaining patients are either stable or improving, and 87 of them who are clinically well but still test positive for COVID-19 have been transferred to Concord International Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Hospital and the Community Isolation Facility at D’Resort NTUC for isolation and care.

As of noon today, MOH has identified 9,771 close contacts who have been quarantined. Of these, 3,216 are currently quarantined, and 6,555 have completed their quarantine.

Fun fact: out of the 3,216 people who are under quarantine, one of them is Kong Hee and the other is Sun Ho.

And if you still didn’t know, from 11:59pm onwards, the new measures would kick in, whereby entertainment venues and bars would be closed until 30 April 2020.

You can do your part as a responsible citizen through helping out in contact tracing by downloading the TraceTogether app.

In the meantime, keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.

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