573 COVID-19 Cases Today (4 May); Local Cases Drop Back to Single Digit

You know what day it is today?

It was supposed to be the day when we start to wash the only underwear we’ve been wearing for four weeks, because by right, from tomorrow onwards, we can be out there having Bak Kut Teh instead of having soggy Bak Kut Teh at home.

But of course, we all know about PM Lee’s announcement on 21 April 2020, so tomorrow’s just another day of Maggi Mee and used underwear.

Nevertheless, at least we’re seeing good progress in our efforts.

Today, there are 573 COVID-19 cases in Singapore.

This means we now have 18,778 cases in total.

Out of today’s cases, 5 are Singaporeans or Singapore PRs.

Based on yesterday’s numbers, on average, the number of new cases in the community has decreased, from an average of 21 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 11 per day in the past week. The number of unlinked cases in the community has also decreased, from an average of 13 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 5 per day in the past week.

As of now, Singapore now has 18 deaths due to COVID-19 infections.

Yesterday, MOH picked up some new community cases that are rather…worrying.

New Local Cases

In yesterday’s full report, it’s mentioned that a Singaporean nurse who’s deployed to Singapore Expo is one of the COVID-19 cases that is confirmed on 2 May 2020. She has not been to work since the onset of symptoms.

In addition, further contact tracing has raised the number of confirmed cases in Northpoint City to a total of 15 cases.

The good news is that despite having 10 new local cases in Singapore yesterday, only 2 are unlinked; the rest are either linked to a cluster or are household members of previously confirmed cases.

In the meantime, get the latest updates by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.

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