6 Employers Found to Breach LOA Due to Wuhan Virus; 4 Employees Sent Back Within 24 Hours

Lest you’re not aware, the authorities are already being very goody to employers who had foreign (and local) workers who have just come back from China.

When those employees come back to Singapore from China, they’d have to be on a Leave of Absence for 14 days.

Usually, for normal LOA, there won’t be any allowance or whatnot.

But the authorities are now giving $100 to the employer (reread it again: it’s to the employer, not the employee) every day for each day the employee is serving his or her LOA.

This $100 per day allowance is usually only for people who are under quarantine and not on LOA.

And heck, $100 per day might even be higher than the employee’s salary.

Reader Bao: But they also have to pay the foreign worker’s levy leh

No worries; the authorities are also waiving off the levy when the employee is on LOA, too.

In other words, Singapore’s doing its best to ensure that employers will follow the rules without being disrupted financially.

But unfortunately, another ugly side of Singapore is now revealed.

Six Employers Found to Breach LOA Due to Wuhan Virus

Today, MOM announced that six employers have been found to breach the LOA requirements.

Four of them are foreign workers while two of them are Singapore residents (either citizen or PR).

In case you didn’t know, citizens or PRs who’ve been to China and have just come back would also need to go through the same LOA, and the authorities will still give $100 a day to the employer.

These employees were all caught by MOM at their workplace between 4 February to 8 February.

Now, I don’t know who’s the idiot here: the employee or the employer.

Even if they’re not socially responsible, surely they know that they’re on MOM’s crosshairs. And the employees are still in the workplace?

Heck, any business would know that MOM would even send people down to offices to check other stuff, like whether the boss is forcing employees to drink his pee (hopefully you can tell it’s a joke). Surely they know MOM’s going to do a spot check during this outbreak, no?

Even soldiers chao genging would know that they’ve to stay at home.

MOM said, “As part of ongoing efforts to ensure that work pass holders placed on mandatory LOA abide by the requirements, MOM has been conducting regular random checks through inspections, telephone or video calls.”

The four foreign workers’ work passes were revoked immediately, and they were repatriated within 24 hours. They are also permanently banned from working in Singapore.

The work pass privileges of all the six employers have been suspended for two years.

It’s unknown what businesses they are in, but if it’s one that depends a lot on foreign labour, then surely gone case liao.

So, if you’re an employer and have workers who’re supposed to be on LOA, but you still send them to work, enjoying the $1,400 ($100 per day) extra cash and the saving on the levy, MOM has this for you: “MOM will not hesitate to revoke the work passes and withdraw work pass privileges against errant employers or employees.”

So please, even if you’re an evil boss who wants to see the world burn, at least let this penalty deter you lah.

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