Statistics show that the COVID-19 is known to be especially dangerous to the elderly and those with underlying health conditions.
But there has been more news as of late in which the virus claims the lives of the young.
A 6-week-old baby has been the youngest victim of the coronavirus thus far.
6-Week-Old Baby Dies from COVID-19; Youngest Death Due to COVID-19 So Far
According to Channel News Asia, a six-week-old infant has become the youngest victim to succumb to the coronavirus.
The infant died due to complications relating to the coronavirus.
The governor of the US state of Connecticut said that the infant was one of the youngest recorded deaths from the virus.
Governor Ned Lamont took to Twitter to share that the newborn was “brought unresponsive to a hospital late last week and could not be revived”.
“Testing confirmed last night that the newborn was COVID-19 positive,” Lamont said.
“This is absolutely heartbreaking. We believe this is one of the youngest lives lost anywhere due to complications relating to COVID-19.”
Just last week, the authorities in Illinois said that they are investigating the death of a child “younger than one year” who had contracted the highly contagious COVID-19.
Local media reported that the infant was just nine months old.

Usually More Dangerous For Adults
The news is especially shocking because until now, the virus has been believed to be more dangerous in the elderly.
However, the virus has caused at least 4,476 deaths in the United States and it has been increasingly observed to be critical for some younger patients as well.
New York has been hard hit by the coronavirus, where almost 2,000 deaths have occurred.
Residents of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey are among the millions of Americans ordered to stay home unless they work jobs that are seen as essential.
“This is a virus that attacks our most fragile without mercy,” Lamont tweeted. “This also stresses the importance of staying home and limiting exposure to other people.”
“Your life and the lives of others could literally depend on it.”
The Situation In Singapore
Singapore announced a total of 74 new coronavirus cases on 1 April.
20 of them are imported and had a travel history to Australia, Europe, South America, Africa, ASEAN and other parts of Asia.
The other 54 cases are locally transmitted cases.
Of the 54 local cases, 25 of them are unlinked yet.
29 of them are linked to previously confirmed cases or clusters. 6 of them are from the S11 dormitory cluster while 2 are from the Westlite Toh Guan dormitory.
There are now a total of 1,000 confirmed cases in Singapore.
245 of them have fully recovered and are discharged, while 24 are now in ICU. 3 have passed away due to complications caused by COVID-19 infection.
The condition of the remaining patients are stable or improving.