There are some things that people don’t openly discuss. Such as your boobs sagging. I hate to break it to you, but it will eventually happen to all females.

Unfortunately, breasts sagging prematurely is also a very real concern. And unsurprisingly, the culprits that can contribute to this much-feared reality aren’t openly discussed over dinner with the family.
Thus, to contribute to society, here are ‘7 Things That Might Make Your Breasts Sag Prematurely’, according to AsiaOne.
1. Breast Cancer
This is pretty much a no brainer but here are some symptoms of breast cancer you might not know of. These include a lump in the upper chest, armpit or breast which might not be immediately noticeable, but can be felt.
Other symptoms include change of skin texture redness of the breast, changes to your nipple, discharge or rash around nipple. Even if you’re free from any of these symptoms it doesn’t hurt to go for a subsidised checkup or screening here.
2. Choosing The Wrong Sports Bra
When you run, or do high impact aerobic exercises like martial arts or even swimming, your breasts need all the support you can give it. In the form of a good bra. It might be a no brainer, but we all need a little reminding once in awhile.
3. Crash Dieting
Constantly gaining weight and losing weight can cause your breast tissue to lose its elasticity. As a result, they may start to sag. ?
To prevent this, experts advise to gain (and lose) weight slowly and gradually. This will give the skin on your breasts to adjust accordingly and minimise sagging.
Though we all wonder how we can gain weight slowly.
4. Smoking
Yup, smoking is one of the culprits and if you’re wondering why, it’s because smoking can cause elastin, (which keeps your skin supple and young) to break down. This weakens and prematurely makes the skin around your boobies older, making them appear stretched and saggy.
Want super perky boobs? Don’t smoke.
5. Forgetting Sunscreen
We know how harmful the sun can be in terms of UV rays and causing wrinkles on your face and other harmful things. Well, the same also goes for your breasts.
The solution? Spam sunblock on your boobs the next time you’re out and about at the beach to prevent them from getting damaged. Done and done.
6. Eating Unhealthy Foods
Yes. This one hit me hard as I’m typing this because my colleagues are ordering McDonald’s for lunch as we speak. Studies have shown that eating a nutrient-poor, high-fat diet can cause the breakdown of your skin’s collagen. This may contribute to your boobs sagging prematurely.
7. Drinking Insufficient Water
We all know that drinking enough water is imperative for your skin. Well, the same applies to your boobs as well. To make sure that they don’t sag prematurely, here’s a reminder to chug down that cup of water.
So there we have it, seven things that might contribute to saggy boobs. Just a reminder though: when all’s said and done, everyone’s breasts come in different shapes and sizes. The most important thing is to be love ourselves.