753 COVID-19 Cases Today (9 May); Total Cases in Singapore Now Over 22k

Do you know that today is a Saturday?

I won’t blame you if you didn’t; isolation has made every day the same, and it seems like the number of cases reported daily is about the same, too.

Which means we’ve flattened the curve, but anyways.

Today, 753 cases were reported.

This means we now have a total of 22,460 cases in Singapore.

Out of today’s cases, 9 are Singaporeans or Singapore PRs. Yesterday, this figure is 10.

The majority of today’s cases are work permit holders residing in dormitories.

On average, based off yesterday’s numbers, the number of new cases in the community has continued to decrease, from an average of 12 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 10 per day in the past week. The number of unlinked cases in the community has also decreased, from an average of 6 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 5 per day in the past week.

Yesterday, the multi-ministry task force also addressed an issue that’ve kept people in Singapore awake at night: the growing number of infected healthcare workers in Singapore Expo.

Authorities Reviewing Why Some Healthcare Workers in S’pore Expo Are Infected with COVID-19

With four healthcare workers (a radiographer, two nurses and a healthcare volunteer) who are deployed to the Singapore Expo, a community isolation care facility, been infected with the coronavirus, the authorities are now reviewing the cases.

Yesterday, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said that the key is to see if they were infected through interaction with the patients, or with fellow colleagues.

MOH’s director of medical services Kenneth Mak said that they’re continually making improvements to the current infection control measures, and MOH will be working with the interagency task force to conduct refresher training if required.

Healthcare workers have previously shown that they are aware of how dangerous their jobs are, and one of them even documented his daily efforts in making sure his family doesn’t contract Covid-19 from him.

No wonder billionaire Peter Lim is donating $1 million to them while we, erm, sing for them.

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