My insanely wealthy Aunt Matilda once said this:
“You got money; you can settle everything.”
“Even a murder case?” I asked with shining eyes.
“Even a murder case,” she breathed heavily as she said it, rotund, lifeless eyes boring into mine.
Suffice it to say; my dad forbade me from any further interaction with my Aunt Matilda. Thank goodness. Because while my Aunt Matilda might be wealthy in terms of material goods, she was in no way as sufficient in moral values. Had I interacted any more with her I would probably be languishing in a prison far from civilization by now, scraping a knife on the wall with cold-blooded ease.
Thank goodness.
And besides, she’s wrong. Money does not settle everything. And to prove my point?
The following article, which exemplifies the all-powerful notion of ‘Morals own money anytime biatch’.
84YO Man Molested Woman In Front Of Her Husband, Offered Husband $10 To Let Him Go
According to Channel News Asia, an 84-year-old man had elbowed a woman’s chest in front of her husband before attempting to try to bribe his way out.

Aunt Matilda, I think I’ve just found your eternal soulmate. Just kidding.
According to reports, Poh Seng Khian had been caught in the act, and had offered the husband S$10 to be let go.
The paltry bribe, however, failed to achieve its purpose.
In Broad Daylight
On 12 May 2019, Poh headed off to People’s Park Centre, where he embarked on a casual breakfast-and-shopping trip.
The woman and her 48-year-old husband were walking on the second floor of the mall at around 11:50 am.
According to court documents, Poh had been walking towards the woman from the opposite direction, and had deliberately extended his right arm as they crossed paths.
His right elbow ended up bumping into her left breast.
It’s worth noting that the second floor of the mall wasn’t anywhere near crowded at the time, and patrons could actually walk freely without the risk of physical contact.
Apparently, Poh committed the act aware that he would likely outrage the modesty of the woman in the process.
An Apology That’s Worth 10 Bucks
Shocked, the victim could only look stunned at what Poh had done.
Did that really just happen, she probably thought.
Well, it definitely did, her husband probably thought.
Leaping right into action, the indignant hubby apprehended Poh and restricted him from fleeing the scene.
They then awaited the arrival of the police.
Amidst what must surely have been a really tense wait, Poh apologized to the woman and offered her husband $10 to let him go.
It didn’t work out.
Poh was subsequently arrested on the spot, and on 7 Jan, he was sentenced in court to 18 weeks’ jail for one count of using criminal force on the 47-year-old woman.
For outraging the modesty of the woman, Poh could have been jailed for up to two years, fined, caned, or any combination of them.
Note: According to CNA, Poh’s sentence has since been deferred to 28 Jan.
Does Money Really Solve Everything?
Sure, one could argue:
“It’s because it’s $10. Had it been $10,000 or even $1,000 the result confirm different.”
Well, I’ve no way of knowing whether that’s true, because I’m no seer or local money teller. Even so, I believe in humanity, and that they would prioritise moral values over such material assets as money.
Yes, I trust in humans.
“OEI, SEE YOUR DESK SO MESSY,” my superior yelled at me. “I TELL THE BOSS THEN YOU KNOW.”
“Ehehehe, why so serious?” I subtly slipped a $10 note into his breast pocket. “It’s 2020…
“A great time to be magnanimous, don’t you think?”