89 Work-Pass Workers Caught Breaching Entry Approvals / LOA / SHN; Some Were Even Caught in Their Workplace

Now, there’s a reason I work 25 hours a day and it’s not because my boss forced me to do so; I just love my job.

Reader: But there are only 24 hours in a day

Yes, I know but my boss has enforced a 175-hour a week schedule so I have no choice I love writing articles so much that I give up my sleep, food, and even logic for it.

But, while I enjoy what I do as much as the next person, if the Singaporean government tells me to stay at home, you can bet your cousin’s new bicycle that I’ll be staying at home.

Boss: What did you say?!

Oh, nothing! I’ll definitely defy the government just to come to work, boss.

Boss: Good employee

You see, if you’re going to go against the authorities, especially during a freaking pandemic, be prepared to face the music, because this is not the time to mess around.

89 Work-Pass Workers Caught Breaching LOA / SHN; Some Were Even Caught in their Workplace

89 work pass holders have had their passes revoked by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) as of Saturday (21 Mar) for breaching entry approval and stay-home notice requirements.

You’re probably thinking that they got a fine or a stern warning, right?


All these workers have been permanently banned from working in Singapore. 

Image: Giphy

The employers have also had their work pass privileges suspended for periods ranging from one to three years, because they had failed to ensure that their employees comply with the Leave of Absence (LOA) or stay-home notice requirements.

Some Caught at Their Workplaces

73 of these work pass holders had their passes revoked because they had a travel history to Covid-19 affected countries and entered Singapore without obtaining entry approval from MOM.

The remaining 16 work pass holders were caught breaching the LOA or stay-home notice requirements.

But why wouldn’t they just stay at home? What was so important that they risked being banned from the country? Maybe they couldn’t bear another day without an ice-cold Chendol? Maybe they were sick of the stuffy air inside their rooms and simply wanted some warm sunshine on their faces?

Nope, they uh… wanted to work.

Image: Giphy

Yes, some of these work pass holders were actually caught working at their workplace.

Others were caught leaving their place of residence during the period of their LOA or stay-home notice, even when instructed not to do so.

According to MOM, many of these violations occurred during the first month after requirements for stay-home notices were imposed.

The number of violations fell to four in the second month.

Entry Approvals & Stay-home Notices Required

Now, things have changed a little due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

As you know, Singapore has been seeing a spike in coronavirus cases recently due to an increase in imported cases.

That’s why employers now have to seek approval online for work pass holders to enter or return to Singapore, as entry approvals and stay-home notices are now required for work pass holders entering Singapore from anywhere in the world.

And even if they do get approval, these workers will have to serve an SHN upon arrival.

From 21 March, all people entering Singapore will be issued an SHN to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Those who fail to comply with the notice face prosecution under Section 21A of the Infectious Diseases Act, and may be fined up to S$10,000, jailed up to six months, or both.


Other penalties include revoking or shortening the validity of a person’s permanent residency status, long-term visit pass, dependent’s pass, student’s pass or work pass.

So, if the government tells you to do something, especially when there’s a deadly virus spreading across the world, you should probably do it.

And if you’re going to breach the SHN, please, for the love of God, do it for something cooler than “work”.

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