Gamer girls are pretty common these days. If you’re a girl and you say that you play Mobile Legends or Call Of Duty, it’s not really a big deal.
But how about if you’re an 89-year-old Gamer Grandma?
89YO Grandma Is A Pro Gamer At GTA & Call of Duty, Has 97k Subscribers For Her Gaming Channel
Mori Hamako is the Gamer Grandma who’s been playing Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto better than your boyfriend.
It’s like giving a whole new meaning to “Eh my grandma can game better than you.”
Mori Hamako has been playing these games for almost four decades now, which is probably longer than your boyfriend’s lifespan.
In fact, this kick-ass Grandma has her own YouTube channel called “Gamer Grandma” where she shares videos of herself playing first-person-shooter games.
You can watch one of her videos here, aptly titled “Grandma Plays Call of Duty: Modern Warfare “Clean House””

Her YouTube channel is doing really well and has over 97,200 subscribers. Her secret is her “precision and calmness” while she plays Call of Duty.
Let’s face it, it’s just not as effective playing COD when you’re screaming or fuming half the time.
But her expertise and success came with time, not overnight.
When It All Began
Mori began gaming way back in 1981. At the time, I had not even existed. In fact, my parents were probably not even sure if they wanted to conceive me.
But Mori was sure that she wanted to begin gaming, and so she began with the ancient Cassette Vision console, before she switched to the class Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) aka Famicon.

Playing alone doesn’t quite have the same kick as playing with others, so Mori decided to create a YouTube account to share her videos with the rest of the world.
Perhaps what’s most interesting is her advice to aspiring gamers: Start gaming as young as possible and never stop. Uhm.. Mom?