91 New Covid-19 Cases Reported Today (17 Aug); Zero Cases In The Community

Apparently today, we’re in for a treat again.

Firstly, because there are less than a hundred new cases reported (91), and secondly because there are zero cases in the community.

There are, however, 6 imported cases, all of whom were placed on Stay-Home-Notice (SHN) the moment they arrived in Singapore.

Migrant workers living in dormitories make up a vast majority of the cases.

This brings the total number of Covid-19 cases in Singapore to 55,838.

More Details On 16 Aug 2020 Cases

On 16 Aug 2020, two community cases were reported.

One is a 47-year-old Malaysian work permit holder who had boarded a vessel to perform essential repair and maintenance services on 9 Aug 2020.

The other community case reported on 16 Aug 2020 is a 48-year-old Singaporean who is a contact of a previously-confirmed case.

There were also 6 new imported cases reported:

  • A 30-year-old Singaporean who arrived back in Singapore from Indonesia on 4 Aug
  • A 31-year-old Filipino work permit holder who returned from the Philippines on 4 Aug
  • There are three dependant’s pass holders including a 5-year-old girl and a 27-year-old woman from India and a 34-year-old Filipino who arrived from the Philippines on 4 Aug
  • The single student’s pass holder is a 23-year-old Russian man who arrived in Singapore from Russia on 4 Aug

All of them have been placed on Stay-Home-Notice (SHN) upon arrival in Singapore, MOH reveals.

Foreign workers living in dormitories make up a vast majority of the cases.

The average number of community cases in the community and unlinked cases remains stable at two per day and one per day respectively.

Foreign Worker Dormitories Now Entering A New Phase

While the rest of Singapore has escaped the Circuit Breaker and started on the path to the new norm, foreign workers living in dormitories have been left behind, still dealing with the lockdown of the dormitories.

Until recently, that is.

In her post, Minister Teo said that all of the dormitories have been cleared and just like the rest of Singapore, they are now moving into a new phase.

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