More People Are Buying ART Kits Due to COVID-19 Surge

13,208, 10,390, 7,752.

No, these aren’t numbers for your next 4D bet.

They’re the number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore for the past three days.

It’s been a while since we last hit the 10,000 mark, but now we have.

Which can only mean one thing that we’ve gotten all too accustomed to over the past two years.

Panic buying.

ART Kits In High Demand

Yup, here we go again.

Singaporeans, being our kiasu selves, tend to stock up on things even if we don’t urgently need them, in hopes that they’ll come in handy when we need them.

Some Singaporeans have even mentioned that they are buying ART kits for the first time since the pandemic started, simply due to the staggering number of cases now.

Coupled with the increase in the number of COVID-19 patients engaging in home recovery, stores selling ART kits across the island such as pharmacies have been faced with a much higher demand for these kits.

Apart from that, the sharp increase in cases may have also contributed to the increase in ART kits bought by Singaporeans.

When interviewed by CNA, Ong Qi Jun, a senior pharmacist at Guardian, suggested that “people are generally more anxious as they see a surge in the number of cases in Singapore”.

Additionally, Ms Ong also brought up how many Singaporeans have been out visiting throughout the past week due to the Chinese New Year holiday, which could have prompted Singaporeans to conduct more ART tests as a precautionary measure.

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ART Kits Running Out?

In response to CNA, Guardian mentioned that they have a sufficient supply of ART test kits to last them another two weeks and that they are intending to order more kits from their supplier.

It was also reported that at least one ART kit supplier in Singapore is struggling to meet the increased demand for ART kits.

On the other hand, some other stores have already run out of ART kits, though most retail chains have stated that they will be trying to order more kits from suppliers once they are able to.

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Featured Image: Eugene Sim /

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