Wang Leehom Now Reportedly Taking His Ex-Wife to Court in the US

Even the Worker’s Party saga has been brought to a close but unfortunately for Wang Leehom, it seems the high-profile divorce and subsequent conflict with his ex-wife, Lee Jinglei, aren’t ending anytime soon.

And this time, the courts are involved.

Wang Leehom Now Reportedly Taking His Ex-Wife to Court in the US

According to reports, Wang is allegedly taking his ex-wife to court over breaking the couple’s custody agreement.

Wang has submitted 11 pieces of evidence against Lee at the New York County Supreme Court in the US.

If he wins the case, his wife might be looking at a fine and a six-month jail sentence.

It was, however, noted that divorce disputes in the US rarely lead to jail terms.

Lee has yet to submit her rebuttal to the evidence submitted by her ex-husband.

The trigger behind Wang’s actions was also not revealed.

Refused To Allow Wang To See Children

In mid-January, Lee refused Wang’s entry into the family home to see the couple’s children.

While she wants Wang to visit the children, she was uncomfortable with Wang coming into the home with three men.

According to the custody agreement, both parties must give mutual consent before anyone can be brought along for the visitation.

Two of the men are Wang’s workers while the third man was unknown to her.

Wang also told her to switch off the surveillance cameras before he enters the home.

Alarmed, she decided not to let Wang in, and he left after failing to enter the home forcefully.

Lee later sent her butler to report the case to the Taipei police.

She wasn’t pressing charges against Wang but wanted it on the record in case she needs to use it as evidence in future divorce battles.

One thing for sure, though: we’ll be hearing more about the Wang-Lee divorce in the near future.

Other Articles in the Saga So Far

Feature Image: S-F / supermodel / (Image for illustration purpose only)

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