After 2 Years, Woman Came Back to M’sia as a ‘Parcel’ to Surprise Her Parents

They say that the best things come in small packages, but not all the time.

In this case, this huge package was the best gift that a pair of parents could have received.

No, it wasn’t a house.

Malaysian Woman Delivered as Parcel to Surprise Parents

On Thursday (17 February), Facebook user Evonne Yan posted a video that documented her journey home to surprise her parents.

Like many people working abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic, she had not visited her hometown in over two years. However, she finally managed to get her hands on a bus ticket back home, and so she embarked on her journey to cross the borders and finally visit her home.

But there was a twist.

To commemorate the special occasion, she decided to give her parents the surprise of a lifetime: by being boxed up in a parcel and getting delivered to her parents’ doorstep.

Yup, she literally became the present that was delivered.

Image: Evonne Yan

At the start of the video, she was seen to be joking with others in the video about how professional the box looked.

And true to their predictions, the surprise commenced without any mishaps, and they were able to fool Yan’s parents successfully into believing that it was actually a delivery order that they had delivered.

In the video that you can watch here, Yan’s boss was seen to be helping her with preparing the box for her to hide in. They even prepared a delivery slip to make the entire delivery look more realistic.

A for creativity, A+ for the realistic effects.

After they got out of the car near her home, Yan hid in the box. Her fiancé, who was dressed as a delivery man, wheeled the large box to her parents’ doorstep and passed them the receipt, telling them that their delivery order had arrived.

Her Mother’s Puzzled Reaction

Initially puzzled at why such a large delivery had turned up unannounced, Yan’s mother even said, “Woah, such a large box. What’s inside?”

Unbeknownst to her, she was already being filmed by Yan’s fiancé, who was waiting for her to realise that her daughter was in the box.

After inspecting the delivery receipt for a while, Yan’s mother moved towards the box and opened it, revealing Yan who sprung out cheerfully like a life-sized jack-in-the-box.

At this point, Yan was giggling and it finally dawned on her mother that she had returned home in secret to surprise the family. The older lady then broke into laughter as well, clearly amused by the well-thought-out surprise that they had sprung on her.

Image: Evonne Yan (Facebook)

Aiyo, so sweet. I think if I were her mother, I might’ve gotten the shock of my life. Not sure if my heart would be able to take it.

Father Said “Wrong Delivery”

Upon hearing the commotion from the mother-daughter duo, Yan’s father came out of the house to see what was going on as well.

When he realised that his daughter had returned home in the form of a delivery parcel, he even jokingly commented, “Hey, you’ve delivered the parcel to the wrong house, help me move it to the other side!” before breaking into a wide grin.

Image: Facebook (Evonne Yan)

Honestly, that’s how I’d expect my family to react if I ever did something like that to surprise them.

That witty comment sent everyone into a laughing fit, and the video ended with Yan being helped out of the box.

At the end of the video, Yan wrote in Chinese, “There’s nothing better than coming home”, and thanked everyone for their help in carrying out the surprise for her parents.

Indeed, there’s truly no place like home.

Netizens’ Comments

As of now, the video has chalked up over 193,000 views and garnered over 960 reactions and 70 comments on Facebook.

Many expressed how touched they were at watching the family reunite and left their good wishes for the family, in addition to welcoming her back to Malaysia.

Others also praised the creativity and ingenuity of the surprise, saying that they had never seen anything like that before and that it was truly a surprise for everyone involved.

There were also a few who tagged their friends and asked in a joking manner if they wanted to surprise their family in such a manner too when they returned home.

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Yan also mentioned in the video that she had managed to get a bus ticket back home, presumably via the Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTL).

Singapore’s VTL with Malaysia was launched last November, and since then many Malaysians working or living in Singapore have been trying to get tickets to return home.

With the high demand and limited supply, many have found it difficult to obtain tickets, especially due to the recent Chinese New Year holiday. In addition to that, many had to change their travel plans after a glitch in the booking system caused a mass cancellation of bookings in January before Chinese New Year.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Evonne Yan)

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