Wang Lei Offering RM10,000 for Missing M’sia Lady Even When He Doesn’t Know Her

Sometimes, we overhear something and we’re just… compelled to commit to an act of kindness that is within our abilities.

And that is honestly beautiful.

The unfortunate part about this piece of news, however, is that it begins with a fraught family who is desperately looking for their missing daughter.

The Missing Daughter Chia Min Yong

Chia Min Yong (谢旻容) is a 22-year-old insurance agent from Selangor, who was declared missing on 5 April, according to the reports from China Press.

The news didn’t catch much traction until the Facebook Page 雪州网 MySelangor posted about her details, her last seen location, and any details the family could scrounge up that might aid in the search for their missing daughter.

According to China Press, Ms Chia had allegedly gone out to meet a prospective client on the day she went missing. When she failed to return home after some time, the family immediately contacted the police.

Afterwards, her family discovered that her passport, which is usually in her mother’s possession, had gone missing, which made them fear that Ms Chia had fallen victim to an overseas job scam.

However, the theory doesn’t exactly hold up because the family noted a few things: she didn’t take any personal belongings with her, her suitcase and clothes were untouched, and she didn’t quit her insurance job, no matter how badly she was faring in her field.

Hence, her family has the basis to believe that she didn’t run away from home.

Or even if she did, it’s likely that she’s still in the Malaysian peninsula. 

More Details About Ms Chia and Her Disappearance

According to her boyfriend’s account, Ms Chia hadn’t exhibited any abnormalities prior to disappearance.

He was aware that she was under tremendous pressure because of her job, and in addition to the fact that she didn’t manage to get her salary for two months straight, it’s not impossible to think that she would run away in a moment of impulse due to the accumulated stress.

Judging from the statements given by her family, Ms Chia was the type of person who would always tell her parents and boyfriend about her whereabouts, regardless of how bad her mood was.

The first moment where her boyfriend realised that something was wrong was when he tracked her geo-location and realised that the location hasn’t changed at all. When he first lost contact with her at 7pm, all the way till he was let out of work at 12am, her location was still the same.

Five hours had lapsed, and yet her location hadn’t changed. 

Whenever Ms Chia was meeting a client, it rarely exceeded two hours, which was why the family decided to report her disappearance to the police.

On the morning of 6 April, the police informed the family that they found her bicycle at Setapak, and the family brought her bike home at around 3am.

There was also CCTV footage at a nearby road that caught sight of a lady who resembled Ms Chia. It looked like she was trying to check in to a nearby hotel, but she left on her own later, perhaps because she didn’t have enough money on hand.

Three More Pieces of Conflicting Messages

As a quick side note, another conflicting message that was allegedly sent to her family and boyfriend, was one that told them she was going to Johor to apply for a job with a basic salary of RM8,000 (S$2,600), but they’re not sure if the message was really sent by her.

Secondly, although her passport was missing, official records have shown that she hasn’t left the country, though the possibility of her travelling to Singapore can’t be fully ruled out.

Lastly, Ms Chia apparently left a letter for her mother, but it’s hard to tell if the written information is accurate, since it contradicts some of the things we do know regarding her disappearance. 

Image: (雪州网 MySelangor)



Actually, I’ve been resisting for a long time because I didn’t dare to tell you that I’ve been doing badly at my insurance job.

The truth is that all the money I gave out during the New Year (Feb) were all borrowed, and I didn’t have any money for food for three months straight.

I really want to be filial to you and Daddy as soon as possible.

I’m really sorry for leaving home and going away for work. I’ve really grown up. I hope that you can be like Daddy and let me go and have my own freedom.

Once I’ve settled everything over the next few days, I’ll let you know.

It’s a very high-paying job, but it’s quite far away.

I will take good care of myself. You don’t need to call me. I’ve already come to a decision.

My luggage and passport are both prepared. Even if you call me, you’ll probably scold me.

I’m turning off my phone first, I’ll inform you that I’m safe over the next few days.

Love you Mommy.

If it was a far away job, why is it that only her passport is missing, not her suitcase and other clothes? Why did she cycle all the way to Sepatak?

Another question to ask is that, why would she completely cut off all contact with her family if it was just a regular job, especially when it seems incredibly out of character? 

Wang Lei Offers RM10,000 Reward for Her Safe Return

Just like how an Indonesian billionaire couldn’t bear to see Isaac Ng suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, Singaporean getai-star-turned-livestreamer Wang Lei found the story of Ms Chia’s disappearance heart-breaking.

On 10 April, Wang took to Facebook Live to implore and urge the netizens to help find Ms Chia.

He clarifies that he doesn’t have any personal connection to Ms Chia, and he just genuinely hopes that she can reunite with her family, safe and sound.

It’s apparent that Wang has been in contact with the family as he shares their woes on the stream, talking about how the mother had been crying and unable to eat or sleep properly after the disappearance of her daughter.

“When I heard the Mom’s voice, I was almost on the verge of tears,” Wang said.

He shares that understands the pain that the family is going through. He might not be the best speaker, but he is a father with a daughter; he’s intimately aware of the terror and worries that he would if he was in the family’s shoes.

Therefore, Wang Lei pledges that if anyone manages to find Ms Chia, he will personally give the person RM10,000 ($3,200). This is on top of the RM100,000 that the father’s boss is offering.

He promises that he won’t reveal the informant’s identity. As long as the informant is able to pinpoint her location and let him see Ms Chia, safe and well, he will hand over money.

In the worst-case scenario where Ms Chia is actually being held hostage, Wang said that he will give her kidnappers RM50,000 for her release and safe return, which brings up the hypothetical ransom money to RM150,000.

If that amount isn’t enough, Wang declared that he was willing to negotiate, and the kidnapper just need to give him or the family a call. 

If Ms Chia is Watching This

From the letter that Ms Chia wrote to her mother, it’s apparent that she doesn’t want to be a financial burden to her parents.

Wang offers an easy solution to that too, in hopes that it might persuade Ms Chia to return to her family instead of keeping her days of silence.

He invites Ms Chia to come to Singapore to work as his assistant, promising that he will give her opportunities that she’s never imagined like going to France.

If she feels that Singapore is too far, it doesn’t matter. Wang said that he has a company in Penang where she can work in the customer service department, taking calls, settling orders and invoices, and whatnot.

Wang earnestly pleads with Ms Chia to go home, to go home to her family.

“All fathers and mothers hope their own sons and daughters can eat their fill and live well. Girl, do you know that when you were younger, your parents gave you the best parts of the chicken to you; they’d willingly eat the chicken butt, they’d willingly wear torn and tattered clothes, unwilling to buy new clothes during the New Year, if it means that that you can wear the best of clothes, and show others their brightest and cutest daughter.”

Wang looks straight in the camera and tells Ms Chia that her mother is probably crying as she watches this video. Her father has willingly thrown away his job in Singapore in search for her, even though the borders have finally re-opened after so long.

“Where are you?” Wang asks. “Really, where are you?”

No matter where she is, her family, the netizens, and Wang alike hope that she is safe, and that she will contact her family soon.

Featured Image: Facebook (Wang Lei 王雷 & 雪州网 MySelangor)

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