Man Smashed Glass Display After Tailor in Jurong West Altered Pants Not to His Instructions

Do you know that you can actually alter the length of the pockets in your pants?

Neither did I.

But one guy knew it, and for some reason, he threw a fit after the alteration wasn’t done to his instructions, and proceeded to slam a glass display…and then telling the media about his actions.

Here’s what happened.

Man Smashed Glass Display After Tailor in Jurong West Altered Pants Not to His Instructions

It all started when Rong, a 68-year-old man, went to the tailor shop along Jurong West St 41 to alter his pants. According to the tailor, Zheng, Rong was friendly but wasn’t a regular customer. Rong had requested to extend the pocket’s depth by three inches.

Zheng did as she was told, but the following day, a woman came by and told Zheng to extend Rong’s pants’ pockets by six inches instead of three inches. Zheng then proceeded to follow her instructions, thinking that she must have been sent by Rong to provide the new instructions.

That was the first stranger thing, but trust me, that’s nothing.

When Rong came by to collect his pants, he was so triggered that he scolded Zheng, saying that she had made the pants ugly.

Wanting to give Rong time to calm down, she wanted to head to the toilet when Rong smashed a glass display, breaking it in the process.

You’d have thought that Rong was in rage now, but no: he then appeared a little remorse after that, and told Zheng that he’ll compensate her for the damages.

Stranger Thing 2. But that’s not all.

Zheng then called her husband and the police. The police spent three to four hours to investigate the incident, causing Zheng to lose business for that period.

And here’s the strangest of all the stranger things: according to Shinmin Daily, Rong was the one who called the media about this story.

I don’t know what’s weirder: the fact that a pocket can be so deep, or that Rong had tipped off the media about his action.

Nevertheless, we learn something new: when you’ve a new phone that’s too big for your pocket, you don’t need to buy a new phone. You can extend it.

Just remember to ensure that you leave your contact number with the tailor lest someone decide to change your instructions.

Featured Image: Zaobao

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