Everything About the Two COVID-19 Deaths in S’pore: Both Have Existing Health Conditions

Our health minister has once warned that there would eventually be COVID-19 fatalities in Singapore; and with a spike in new cases recently and a total of 385 confirmed cases as of yesterday, fatalities have occurred.

Both patients have passed away this morning.

Here are the details of the two patients.

Patient 1

The first patient is a 75-year-old female Singaporean who was initially admitted to the NCID for pneumonia on 23 February 2020, and was then tested positive for COVID-19. The woman had been in ICU since the day she had been admitted.

After developing serious complications, she eventually succumbed to the infection after 26 days in ICU.

She passed away this morning (21 March 2020) at 7:52am.

The woman has a history of heart disease and hypertension (high blood pressure).

Patient 2

The second patient is a 64-year-old male Indonesian who was admitted to ICU in NCID after arriving in Singapore on 13 March 2020.  He has since been in ICU and just like the previous patient, he developed serious complications from the virus.

After 9 days in ICU, he succumbed to the infection and passed away this morning at 10:15am.

Before he arrived in Singapore, he had already been hospitalized in Indonesia for pneumonia, and had a history of heart disease.

Take Courage and Continue to Play Our Part

Health Minister Mr Gan Kim Yong also delivered the news to reporters. He said, “We are deeply saddened by their passing. Our thoughts are with their families during this difficult time. We will render all necessary assistance to their families. I understand that Singaporeans will be affected by this news. But we must take courage and continue to play our part to fight this virus.”

Study by Italy Shows 99% of Fatalities Has Underlying Health Conditions

By now, you should know that Italy is the second worst-hit country in the world so far, and they have provided some data on the fatalities caused by COVID-19.

According to their study, the average age of fatalities is 79.5, and 99% of them have underlying health conditions:

Image: Bloomberg

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