40 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (20 Mar); More Measures to Be Implemented

We’ve now reached a stage whereby we’d no longer be shocked at the high number of new cases reported daily.

Not a healthy sight, but reality hasn’t been healthy since COVID-19 came.

Today, another 40 cases were reported, and new measures were also announced.

40 New COVID-19 Cases in Singapore Today (20 Mar)

Out of the 40 new cases, 30 are imported cases.

They’ve been to the following regions:

  • United Kingdom
  • Indonesia
  • United States

One thing about the UK is that their strategy to combat COVID-19 is no longer about containing the virus but through herd immunity; you can read this article for more info.

22 of the 30 imported cases are Singaporeans or Singapore PRs, while 7 have long-term passes. The remaining patient has a short-term visit pass.

The other 10 cases are locally transmitted.

With this, new measures are also announced.

New Measures to be Implemented

Previously, only ticketed cultural, sports and entertainment events must be limited to fewer than 250 participants.

Now, all events and gatherings with more than 250 people must be suspended with immediate effect.

So if you’ve a wedding dinner coming soon and have more than 250 guests, you’d have to find a way to reduce the number of guests or simply hold your wedding after 30 June 2020, whereby the ban would be lifted.

In addition, if your event has less than 250 people, you’d need to ensure that you do these:

  • Improve ventilation and advise people to avoid close contact
  • Have temperature screenings and do not allow people who are unwell to enter
  • Have system to ensure that you can contact trace everyone

Work events (e.g. speeches by your big boss) must also follow this guideline.

In additional, all queues in any place would require a 1m distance between each people, and F&B outlets need to ensure that seats are separated at least 1m between seats and tables.

Entertainment venues such as cinemas, theatres, theme parks, casinos, museum and galleries can remain open but people should have a 1m separation.

For work, it’s advised that people work from home and stagger the working hours. If possible, let employees knock off on different timings so that they won’t be caught in the peak hour traffic.

Also, keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.

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