Police NSF Brought Girl for a Joyride in Police Car; Girl Even Posted Online About It

There are two types of stupid people in the world: Type A is stupid, and Type B is stupider.

This girl belongs to Type C.

Police NSF Brought Girl for a Joyride in Police Car; Girl Even Posted Online About It

In case you’re Type A, I’d need to write this: a police car must only be used for policing work.

According to a video that was sent to Mothership, a woman is seen posting a video on Instagram Story, whereby a policeman let a girl into a police car, and they drove to God-knows-where.

In the video, the girl could be heard saying in a thick fake American accent, “So this is the ride for tonight. We’re going in a police car!”

Of course someone has to sabo the girl.

Police Arrested by Police

It turns out that the policeman is a 19-year-old NSF and is a from the logistical support office of Protective Security Command (ProCom), and he had taken the car without authorization.

The police arrested the policeman today. Say that ten times.

And the police is investigating the policeman. Say that eleven times.

Here’s the statement by the police:

The Police have arrested a 19-year-old Full-time Police National Serviceman (PNSF) for theft of a police vehicle on 19 March 2020. Preliminary investigations revealed that the PNSF, attached to the logistical support office of Protective Security Command (ProCom), had driven the police vehicle out of ProCom without authorisation. Police investigations are ongoing.

Officers of the Singapore Police Force, including PNSFs, are expected to uphold the law and maintain high standards of discipline and integrity. Those who commit criminal offences will be dealt with in accordance with the law.

19 years old and I didn’t see any P-plate there? Like that Type D liao.

But why is the car not white—you know, those typical police cars you see on the streets?

Because the ProCom is not a usual neighbourhood police centre unit, but a “specialist unit which was set up to protect security sensitive locations and provide security coverage at key national event.”

Well, at least you learn something new here.

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