Cops Now Patrol M’sia & Might Arrest People Who Don’t Follow Movement Control Order

If there’s anything we’ve learned throughout the course of human history, it’s that people don’t like following instructions.

People all over the world are told not to murder because it’s immoral and causes pain to others, but what do they do? Murder.

People are told not to panic-buy during the Covid-19 outbreak but what do they do? Panic buy toilet paper.

Though there are a few reasons on why people panic-buy toilet rolls which you can watch here:

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You see, dear reader, even when there is a deadly virus spreading out there and people are told to stay indoors for their own good, some will stubbornly refuse, because, well, it’s just what we do.

Cops Now Patrol M’sia & Might Arrest People Who Don’t Follow Movement Control Order

On Monday night (16 March), Malaysia’s Prime Minister made a shocking announcement; the country would be on lockdown from 18 March until the end of the month to try and control the spread of Covid-19. (The lockdown may even be extended, depending on how bad the situation is).

In addition to barring people from travelling in and out of the country, the” Movement Control Order” dictates that Malaysians who aren’t working in essential services stay in their homes.

The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs also implemented a takeaway only policy as mass gatherings above 50 people are banned.

According to The Straits Times, police officers were on patrol on Wednesday (18 March) morning, reminding people at shops across the country to adhere to the restrictions.

Those who fail to abide by the rules can be jailed for up to six months and fined less than RM1,000, or both, if convicted.

But as we reported yesterday, many Malaysians were spotted out and about at restaurants.

Image: The Star
Image: Malay Mail

Yes, despite multiple warnings to stay in their houses, some people went about their day as if everything was fine and dandy.

As a result, one restaurant owner in Teluk Intan and his customers were arrested, according to World of Buzz.

The consequences of being dumb

The man who took the video said that the police came to warn customers who ate outside and the vendors who allowed this to happen.

The police added that the first day would be a warning day and thus no fines would be given. The customers were simply asked to put away the tables and chairs.

Some elderly people were reportedly arrested, but this was only because they refused to follow the police officer’s orders.

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Yet another video showed police officers warning customers who were having their meal inside the restaurant inside of tapau-ing it.

Why are these people defying orders to stay home when it’s for their own benefit? Who knows. Maybe, for some of these people, soggy, lukewarm meals in plastic containers are worse than contracting the Covid-19 virus.

One thing’s for sure, though; these orders were put in place for a reason.

Malaysia currently has the highest number of Covid-19 cases in Southeast Asia, with 790 cases and two deaths so far.

So, no matter which country you’re in, if you’re asked to stay at home, STAY AT HOME. You might like eating outside, but try thinking about others for a change.


And if you’re wondering why we keep on repeating that…it’s because the Malaysia PM did that yesterday, too:


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