M’sia PM Says ‘Lockdown’ Might Extend Beyond 31 March If COVID-19 is Not Contained

Earlier today, we were told that the Malaysia PM would be giving an important speech tonight.

People were wondering whether it’ll be good news or bad news, and now, it’s confirmed: it’s most probably bad news to everyone.

I mean, we’re now used to bad news, aren’t we?

M’sia PM Says ‘Lockdown’ Might Extend Beyond 31 March If COVID-19 is Not Contained

At 8pm today, Malaysia Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin made his speech calmly, but the response most probably isn’t calm.

He explained the reason for the movement control measures again: it’s because the incubation period for the coronavirus is 14 days, and the goal is for all infected patients to be quarantined and the virus will be eradicated.

He said in English, “We want to break the chain of infection of this virus.”

But if the virus is not contained by 31 March 2020, the Government might be forced to extend the Movement Restriction Order beyond 31 March 2020.

Image: Pinterest

You see, people have been trying to get back to their hometowns, which means people are moving across states. Also, people haven’t been exactly staying at home, as images like these make its round online:

Image: The Star
Image: Malay Mail

The PM hopes that people would “stay at home”. In fact, he said that a few times in English.

This appeal comes after Malaysia’s total confirmed cases hit 790 with 2 deaths so far.

You can watch his full speech here:

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Don’t Panic Buy

While this seems like bad news, there is no need to panic-buy.

Firstly, Singapore has enough stockpile of daily essentials to last for at least two months. Secondly, the flow of supplies from Malaysia to Singapore isn’t affected; in fact, they came on time because there’s no congestion.

And thirdly, when you hoard items, you’re merely letting your mind play tricks on you. Watch this video and you’d understand:

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