Skin Doctor Explains the TikTok Aging Filter & Says It’s Very Accurate

Unless you have been living under a rock, you most likely will have heard the term “generative AI” (AI stands for artificial intelligence) at some point in time in the past year or so.

All sorts of technology, especially those that can predict or generate something for you, have been all the rage recently.

No wonder this TikTok filter which shows an “older” version of you, has been making waves on the Internet.

And apparently, one dermatologist approves of the accuracy of the filter’s prediction.

Here is what the dermatologist said.

TikTok’s Filter to Show How You Could Look Like When You Are Old Is Accurate

People’s fascination with looking young and predicting the future is timeless. Back in the day, people used to use mercury-infused makeup to make themselves look more youthful and better.

News flash: That did not work. It did the opposite and was fatal in some instances.

Right now, people have taken to predicting how they will look when they are old (perhaps in an ironic way to scare themselves into slapping on some moisturiser at night).

And it turns out that such predictions via TikTok filters may work.

In a TikTok video posted by user @teawithmd earlier this week, a dermatologist who identifies herself on her account as Dr Joyce said the filters are “realistic”.

As people age, their facial features and bone structures change.

This could lead to many physical changes, including wrinkles (such as crow’s feet at the corner of your eyes), sagging of the cheeks, prominent jowling and folds on your face, thinned lips, eyebags, and grey hair.

Image: TikTok (@teawithmd)

Hyperpigmentation or dark spots on one’s face are another key sign that you are getting older.

All of these classic examples of ageing are captured in the filter.

That said, the filter may still be a prediction not to be taken too seriously.

In the caption of her video, Dr Joyce mentions that ageing also depends on one’s genes, so you may have won the gene lottery and can look young and fresh forever.

Of course, preserving your skin’s health is also crucial, as protecting it as it ages may help slow down the effects of ageing.

But perhaps the key takeaway of the video is that despite how you look as you age, ageing is a natural process and not one to be afraid of. We can always treat such filters as good fun without taking them too seriously.

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