Man Caught On CCTV Spitting Phlegm On Lift Buttons, Was Arrested Promptly A Few Days Later

We have learnt many things about humans during the Covid-19 outbreak.

1) We all have a strange impulse to buy toilet paper in response to a pandemic

2) We will panic even if we’re given numerous reassuring reasons not to

3) Some of us are terrible human beings

Why do I say this? Because at a time when we’re supposed to cover our mouth and nose when we cough and sneeze to avoid spreading the disease, some people do this instead.

Man Caught On CCTV Spitting Phlegm At Lift Buttons

A video of a Penang man doing something incredibly disgusting in a lift has started circulating on social media.

Caught on CCTV, the man first enters the lift and presses one of the lift buttons.

Image: World of Buzz

But instead of quietly waiting for his floor like a normal human being, the man then did something inexplicably revolting.

Image: World of Buzz

Yes, he spat his phlegm all over the lift buttons.

The offender then leaves, but another woman steps into the very same life after him.

Image: World of Buzz


Thankfully, the culprit has since been arrested, according to the New Straits Times.

Southwest district police chief Superintendent A.A. Anbalagan said that a resident of the apartment who was alerted to the incident in the residents’ WhatsApp chat group, lodged a police report.

The suspect later admitted to the repulsive act at the police station.

The police chief added that the suspect “does not show any symptoms of Covid-19 and tested negative for the virus.”

“He is under custody and the case is being investigated under Section 427 of the Penal Code for causing mischief,” Anbalagan added.

It’s great that they managed to catch the guy, but the question remains…

Why lift buttons?

What the hell did lift buttons do to deserve such awful treatment? These innocent creatures were just minding their own business, dutifully allowing us to poke them day and night before the Covid-19 outbreak.

But then the coronavirus started spreading, and people started doing gross things to it.

Like the three teenage boys who are under investigation for spitting all over the lift buttons at Rumbia LRT Station at Sengkang.

Image: Reddit (u/Frogsama86)

Or the man who went around stepping on lift buttons with his dirty-ass shoes.

Image: Stomp

These actions are as inexplicable as people panic buying toilet paper, but at least no one is hurt by people stockpiling toilet paper, except the dirty buttocks of other citizens.

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