Leaked Audio Tapes Reveal That Coco Lee Wasn’t Happy With Her Sister & Husband

Hong Kong-born superstar Coco Lee may have passed away more than a month ago, but the news about her and her family does not seem to be dying down anytime soon.

In fact, the dirt about her family keeps getting dug up.

From speculations about Lee’s estranged relationship with her husband to why he was not named in her obituary, Lee’s husband was largely painted as an “outsider” in Coco Lee’s life.

Due to this, it may not come as a surprise to some if it is revealed that Coco was unhappy with her husband in her last years.

However, it appears that Lee may also have harboured some grudges against her second sister, Nancy Lee.

In some audio tapes that were leaked, a woman, who is allegedly Lee, is heard grumbling about Nancy and her husband.

Here is what happened.

Leaked Audio Tapes Show That Coco Lee Was Unhappy With Her Sister Nancy Lee

Earlier this week, an account 娱乐有饭 (Yu Le You Fan), which roughly translates to Entertainment Has Food, posted an audio clip on Weibo.

The caption of the post said that the tape was leaked audio of Lee calling her second sister, Nancy Lee, a bloodsucker.

It also added a hashtag which was about leaking a tape of an alleged Coco Lee talking about her quarrels with her second sister.

The post did not claim that the woman’s voice in the clip definitely belonged to the late Lee.

For those unaware, Weibo is a popular Chinese microblogging site similar to X (formerly known as Twitter).

In the audio tape, which is mainly in Cantonese but with a  dash of English and Chinese thrown in, a woman can be heard complaining unhappily about another person.

The woman’s voice is heard saying that “Nancy complained all day and night” about the house she was living in.

“Coco” is heard saying that she was the one paying for the house and that it costs “six figures”.

The house was situated in one of the affluent and coveted areas of Hong Kong, a “high-class landed area”.

The location was so good that even the “CEO” and people of that level would stay there since it was an expensive area.

The woman also adds some expletives and says that “Nancy” complains day and night about how bad the house is.

“Nancy” also says that there are problems “here and there” and that she “cannot fall asleep” in the house.

All these complaints were made even though “Nancy” did not provide a single cent to contribute towards the cost of the house.

Talk about freeloading and having the audacity to complain.

Nancy Lee has since responded on her social media platforms to ask the public not to speculate about the audio clips.

In a statement posted on Instagram, Nancy Lee said that she “urges all media outlets and online or electronic platforms to exercise reasonable scrutiny before publishing any comment or statement on CoCo Lee and/or her family”.

This includes “any false or defamatory statement on CoCo Lee and her family”.

She also reserved her right to “take legal action against any person who engaged in such defamatory behaviour, as well as the media outlets and online or electronic platforms which published or circulated any such defamatory statement”.

What do you think about this? Was Lee just ranting about her sister as every family does or was there something more sinister going on behind the scenes with Nancy Lee taking advantage of Lee?

Interestingly, Nancy Lee has been very vocal about Lee since her death. Some of her statements include stepping in when the public speculated about why Lee’s husband was not named in her obituary.

At that time, Nancy Lee told the public not to gossip about the matter and clarified that Lee’s husband had taken out a separate obituary before the Lee family did.

In another audio clip that was leaked on 13 August 2023, AsiaOne reports that a woman who is again alleged to be Lee is heard ranting about a person believed to be her estranged husband, Bruce Rockowitz.

Rockowitz had apparently said that Lee was “high maintenance”.

The couple apparently had a disagreement over a karaoke system in her house.

This other audio clip was again mainly in Cantonese with some English thrown in.

The woman in the clip is heard saying that “he told me through Rosanna that he was upset…very upset”.

She said that she had wanted to change the karaoke system in her house as it was too lousy, but he said “no”.

He then said she was “too high maintenance”, and the woman can be heard saying that this is “amazing” in a sarcastic manner.

She then says in English that “he forgot who he married and how much I helped him” and that “it means war”.

A Hong Kong publication ST Headlines then reported that Rockowitz’s friend brushed this off as a couple’s tiff, which was commonplace.

The friend said that Lee had many sets of karaoke machines in various houses, which she kept changing, even though each machine was quite expensive.

This was why Rockowitz wanted his assistant to approve the changes before they were made.

The friend also said that not everything heard in the audio clip could be trusted.

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