China Sending Medical Supplies to M’sia to Fight COVID-19 Outbreak

At one point, China used to report thousands of new cases of Covid-19 daily, with their medical workers nearly dying from exhaustion while trying to effectively treat as many patients as possible.

Those days are long gone, and the nation has successfully won the battle against the coronavirus.

Although they still have reports of new cases every day, the numbers are significantly lower than what it used to be.

Hence being the good sport that they are, China has been helping other heavily affected countries to overcome the virus as well.

China Will Be Assisting Malaysia By Sending Medical Supplies

Malaysia’s Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein announced via Facebook on Monday, 16 Mar, that China has pledged to assist Malaysia by supplying the country with medical equipment.

This includes ventilators, face masks, PCR testing kits and sanitisers.

Malaysia is the worst-hit Southeast Asian country, and it has a total of 566 confirmed cases of the coronavirus.

The entire nation will be going into lockdown, starting from tomorrow, 18 Mar 2020, all the way till the end of the month.

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“Am so happy to have received HE Ambassador Bai Tian, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Wisma Putra today,” wrote Mr Hussein.

“We both emphasised that Malaysia and China will strengthen cooperation in all fields but focused on our most pressing task – the fight against #Covid19.”

The meeting between the two leaders was held at Hishammuddin’s office at Wisma Putra, Putrajaya.

Image: Facebook (Hishammuddin Hussein)

He also mentioned the strong ties between the two nations.

“This truly is an opportunity to showcase the strong ties forged between Malaysia and China ????, just as the Ambassador said in the meeting, “Bukit sama didaki, lurah sama dituruni” (Together let’s overcome obstacles).”

Malaysia Had Sent China Medical Supplies In January

Well, it’s definitely true that they have strong ties with one another.

Back when China was struggling with the Covid-19 outbreak in January, Malaysia had sent over 18 million medical gloves to help them contain the virus.

“At present, hospitals in Wuhan, the Central Chinese city, at the crux of the coronavirus outbreak, are calling out for much needed protective medical supplies such as masks, suits and gloves, as supplies run low,” Malaysian Primary Industries Minister, Teresa Kok, had said back then in January.

So now, it’s time for China to return the favour and help their friend who’s in need.

Not The First Country To Receive China’s Help

Malaysia is not the first country that China has helped in trying to contain the coronavirus.

On 13 Mar, they sent a plane stocked with 30 tonnes of medical supplies and a team of nine Chinese medical experts to Italy, in order to help the nation with its Covid-19 outbreak.

Italy is the worst-hit country outside of China, with over 27,000 confirmed cases of the virus, and 2,158 deaths.

Honestly, it’s heartwarming to see countries all around the world offering help and support to one another.

In difficult times like these, it’s always important to remember to be kind.

After all, kindness always comes back around, as we can see in the case of Malaysia and China.

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