Ng Kok Song Has Also Responded to Tan Kin Lian’s Remarks About Locally Born “First Lady”

Ng Kok Song Responds to Tan Kin Lian’s Remarks

In the lead up to the 2023 Presidential Election, the atmosphere among the three candidates, Tan Kin Lian, Ng Kok Song and Tharman, has been civil and dignified, as there has been little talk about each other. However, a recent comment by Tan Kin Lian stirred up some controversy.

Mr Tan had proudly stated, “My wife, like me, we were born in Singapore. We are blue-blooded Singaporeans.”

The term “blue-blooded” is unclear, though we’re certain it’s not a reference to a local blue cat featured in these videos:

Mr Tan expanded on his statement, “We respect other people from other countries who come to Singapore to become citizens. But I think deep down, our locals would prefer at least a chance to have the President and the ‘first lady’ to be true Singaporeans from birth.”

This comment was made while speaking to reporters before a walkabout at Geylang Serai Market and Food Centre yesterday (25 August 2023).

Experts think that’s a “dangerous” move, saying that he’s adding the anti-foreigner sentiments that some Singaporeans might have, but that’s a small segment. They argue that this approach to appeal to them is “rather disingenuous and dangerous.”

Tharman has chosen to remain above the fray by preferring not to comment on tactical statements made by other candidates. However, Ng Kok Song did respond to Tan Kian Lian’s remarks about the need for a locally born “First Lady”.

Ng Kok Song Has Also Responded to Tan Kian Lian’s Remarks About Locally Born “First Lady”

While visiting Chong Pang Market and Food Centre, Ng Kok Song, the former GIC chief investment officer, addressed Tan’s comments.

He pointed out that some of Singapore’s political leaders, such as former Deputy Prime Minister Goh Keng Swee and former Finance Minister Hon Sui Sen, were born in Malaysia.

“Singapore is very fortunate. We have Singaporeans, but we have people who have come from outside Singapore who admire Singapore, and who want to be citizens of Singapore. That is good,” he said.

“I think if you look at the history of our leaders in Singapore, we should welcome people from other nationalities who want to come and live in Singapore to take up citizenship and contribute to the welfare of Singapore, either in political office, in presidential office or as citizens.”

Tharman’s wife, Jane Yumiko Ittogi, was born in Japan to a Singaporean Chinese mother and a Japanese father. Her parents met in Singapore, and she has been living in Singapore since she was three years old.

On the other hand, Ng’s fiancée, 45-year-old Sybil Lau, was born in Canada but moved to Asia 20 years ago. She lived in Malaysia and China before moving to Singapore 18 years ago.

She ultimately decided that Singapore is where she wants to live “for the rest of her life”, and gave up her Canadian citizenship to become a Singaporean.

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