Woman Trespassed into Neighbour’s House Due to Renovation Noise & Missing Sandal

You probably have come across your fair share of “crazy” neighbours at some point in time.

But this neighbour may take the cake for being a whacky neighbour.

She trespassed into a neighbour’s house, threw sandals into their house and even dripped urine on their shoes.

All the hoo-ha was because she was unhappy with the renovation noise emitting from their unit.

The court eventually fined the woman after she committed multiple harassing deeds.

Here is more about what happened.

Woman Trespassed Into Neighbour’s House Due to Renovation Noise

Earlier this week, a woman was charged and pleaded guilty to a suite of offences, including trespassing into her neighbour’s house.

For all her misdeeds, she was fined $800.

That seems like a slap on the wrist once you know what the woman did to “terrorise” her neighbours.

Then again, she did plead for leniency, saying that the renovation noise was “unbearable”.

One of the breaking points was the woman, Wang Su Chuan, being irritated with her neighbours’ construction work.

She entered their flat to speak to them about the noise. Which is when she trespassed into their territory.

According to Wang, she had entered the flat as the main door was open, and she wanted to let the owners know that the noise was driving her crazy.

And according to Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Timotheus Koh (reported by Today Online), Wang “went to the kitchen and spoke to one of the renovation workers there, demanding to speak to one of the unit’s occupants”.

Not surprisingly, the conversation escalated into an argument with the unit owners, who chased her out.

She then trespassed into their unit later in the year. Her excuse for entering this time was very “unique”.

Wang first threw a sandal into the unit.

Why only one sandal? Because the other side was missing, and Wang suspected her neighbours had something to do with it.

When nobody responded to the thrown slipper, Wang entered the unit and picked it up before leaving.

Of course, the trespassing instances were not the only ones that caused acrimony between the neighbours.

Wang had also poured urine on four pairs of shoes of the unit owners (whose house was undergoing renovation) back in 2021.

She also vandalised the floor outside their unit by drawing on the corridor floor outside their flat.

All these were factored in when the court eventually made its judgment against Wang.

We’re not sure about you, but that sure sounds like a neighbour from hell. Stay safe everyone.

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