Adam Road Food Centre Has Reopened With 5 Large Fans & Higher Prices of Food & Drinks

Adam Road Food Centre Reopens with Upgrades and Slight Price Adjustments

Adam Road Food Center, which underwent renovation and maintenance last October, welcomed its doors open on Monday, 1 Jan.

Situated in the prominent area of the Bukit Timah region, this bustling hawker center boasts a total of 32 stalls.

The extensive renovation project spanned approximately three months, resulting in several notable changes to the beloved food center.

While some of these changes have been welcomed with open arms, others may  not be so fancied – the increased prices.

Image: Shin Min Daily News

Higher Costs, Higher Prices

One significant development is the slight increase in prices at certain food stalls.

Interestingly, the reopening coincided with the commencement of the Goods & Services Tax (GST) hike, which saw rates rise from 8% to 9% this year.

After nearly six years without any price adjustments, some food stalls have raised their prices by $1 to $2 due to significant cost increases.

For instance, Mr Lim Fook Leong, a 49-year-old dessert stall owner, noted that the price of a can of jelly had surged from $31 to #46 this year.

Faced with these substantial cost hikes, he found it necessary to adjust his prices upwards by 30 to 50 cents, as reported by Shin Min Daily News.

56-year-old Mr Tan, a second-generation stallholder at one of the cooking stalls, expects to take additional time for cleaning and preparations.

Consequently, he plans to reopen his stall about a week later.

He explained that although he hadn’t adjusted his prices for nearly six years, the cost of fish and prawns has soared by at least 30%.

Likewise, sauces like oyster sauce have witnessed three price increases since last year, each time by approximately 30%.

Consequently, he had no choice but to raise the prices of his dishes by $1 to $2, with seafood dishes experiencing the higher increase, as reported by Shin Min Daily News.

Some Stalls Chose Not To Increase Price

Fortunately, not all stallholders have opted to raise their prices at this time.

Mr Chua Guo Hua, a 54-year-old owner of the Hainanese chicken rice stall Hua Ji, expressed his rationale for this decision.

He stated that the location, although in a residential area, attracts a diverse customer base, including working professionals and students.

He empathises with their challenges and believes that not increasing prices for now is a way to support them, as reported by Shin Min Daily News.

This approach might prove to be a smart move as it could potentially attract more customers and generate increased business in the long run.

The renovation project also included a fresh coat of paint and new flooring.

Additionally, the old tables and chairs were replaced with new ones, enhancing the overall aesthetic and comfort of the dining experience.

To address the previously sweltering conditions, the hawker center installed five large fans, which should provide much-needed relief to diners.

Perhaps these improvements will be what attracts even more fans to this beloved food center.

For those looking to visit, Adam Road Food Centre offers extended operating hours, welcoming visitors from 7 am until the late hours of midnight at 2 am.

Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, you can savour the delicious offerings at your convenience – with more fans and higher prices now.

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