Deers that Depended on Tourists For Food Now Starving Due to Lack of Tourist

There’s one famous activity you can’t miss when you’re in Japan: feeding deers.

Some believe that deers are the “messengers of the gods”. While others argue that they’re the cutest animals to ever live on this planet.

Thus, tourists often frequent places like Nara Park where they can feed these adorable animals.

Unfortunately, with the COVID-19 in full force in Japan, the number of tourists has visibly declined, which has forced the deers to venture out.

Deers that Depended on Tourists For Food Now Starving Due to Lack of Tourist

The deers that normally stay around Nara Park have roamed out of their usual hang out spots in search for food.

This came after the number of tourists declined following the coronavirus outbreak.

In turn, lesser people have been feeding them and they have been spotted at train stations and on the roads of Nara.

Usually Eat Crackers Given By Tourists

Feeding deers is a popular activity in Nara, and tourists often feed them crackers.

Image: Youtube

However, since the COVID-19 outbreak, the number of tourists visiting these sites have fallen by as much as 80%.

Thus, they’re being fed fewer crackers. The situation is so bad that there’s even a video of a very hungry deer running after a little girl presumably for food.

Image: Giphy

They have also been spotted at places where you wouldn’t usually find them, such as Nara station which is located a whopping 3.1km away from the park.According to MSNews, this takes around 20 minutes on foot.

Image: Sora News

Many deers could also be seen munching on grass and shrubs on the streets of Japan.

Image: Soranews

Not The Only Animals To Be Impacted 

But it isn’t just the deers in Japan that have been hard hit by the impacts on tourism as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Monkeys in Thailand are also running amok and are fighting with each other because they’ve had to travel beyond their usual territories in search of food.

This situation shows just how much the animals have come to depend on tourists for food.

Thus, we pray that the COVID-19 outbreak will ease up and things can go back to normal for these poor animals.

The Situation In Japan

The health authorities in Japan have reported as many as 63 new cases of the coronavirus infection on Saturday.

This is the largest daily increase excluding those linked to the cruise ship Diamond Princess.

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On Saturday, the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases hit 773.

This figure does not include 697 people from the cruise ship or the 14 who returned on chartered flights from China.

The total number of deaths on Saturday is now 22 in Japan and 7 from the cruise liner.

Hokkaido has the most cases at 144, followed by Aichi with 121, Osaka with 102, and Tokyo with 87. Hyogo has 67 and Kanagawa has 50.

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