40YO Man Headbutted an Enforcement Officer After Being Told Not To Play Basketball at Cordoned-Off Area

Calefare one: Hey, we shouldn’t hit those people wearing red shirts and passes because they’re protected by the law.

Calefare two: Wait, why should we have people coming out to say this when it’s illegal to hit anyone in this country?

Calefare one: That’s true-

*Man headbutts man in a red shirt and wearing an SDA pass right in front of both calefares*

Calefare one and two:

Image: Giphy

Calefare one and two: That’s why.

Now, before you think the above is fictitious, it’s not.

Someone did headbutt an enforcement officer. And he’s not the only one.

40YO Man Headbutted an Enforcement Officer After Being Told Not To Play Basketball at Cordoned-Off Area

As of Thursday (16 Apr), the police had received 12 cases of members of the public abusing safe distancing ambassadors and enforcement officers.

Image: NEA

The increase came just as elevated safe distancing measures, such as the “instant fine” and “mandatory mask” measures, kicked in, according to the SPF.

In one case, a 40-year-old man was playing basketball in a closed-off multi-purpose hall. When the enforcement officer went over to ask him to stop, the man headbutted him.

In another case, an elderly punched an enforcement officer in his face all because he told him to wear his mask properly.

Another enforcement officer was slapped after asking for an elderly man’s particulars at a hawker centre. He was eating thee despite the ban on eating in at F&B establishments.

There are also people who do not resort to physical violence and went all out with their mouths instead.

A police officer was insulted by a man outside The Cathay shopping mall after he fined his friend for not wearing a mask.

Three safe distancing ambassadors were cussed out by a man and woman when they tried to get the man to not sit at a crossed-out seat at a hawker centre.

Police Investigations Ongoing

If you read through the above examples carefully, you’ll realise one common theme in all the cases:

The people who were injured or scolded were just doing their jobs. Nothing more, nothing less.

And it’s not as though they get special privileges for enforcing the rules. I mean, one of them was even fined after not wearing a mask when he’s outside.

Image: Facebook

The authorities have said that they “will not tolerate” the abuse of their ambassadors and enforcement officers, and promise to take the “offenders to task”.

Possible Penalties

Anyone found guilty of verbally abusing a public servant can be jailed for up to one year, fined up to $5,000, or both.

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For those who “voluntarily causes hurt” to try and stop the public servant from doing their duty, you can be jailed up to seven years, fined or caned.

And for those who use “criminal force” to stop them from doing their job, you can be jailed for up to four years, fined or both.

Basically, they’re all serious offences and you shouldn’t get into trouble just because you couldn’t take being told, “No, bad boy”.

By The Way

If you’re asked for your particulars and you refused to give them to the officer, that’s an offence too.

“The police would like to remind members of the public that it is an offence not to furnish their personal particulars and residential address when required by an enforcement officer.”

So let’s all make sure to stay home as much as possible during this period, okay?

Obey the CB measures, don’t be a cb.


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