942 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (18 Apr); Only 14 Are S’poreans or S’pore PRs

In case you didn’t know, in the past, MOH has often released the full announcement near the end of the day, and the results are usually as of noon that day.

On days that the numbers are revealed earlier, it was because there was a media briefing whereby the task force announced the numbers, but full details would usually be given later that night.

Which is understandable, given that they need to tally the results.

But yesterday, MOH released a “teaser” in the afternoon, revealing the number of infections first before providing more details that night.

And today, it’s the same.

942 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (18 Apr); Only 14 Are S’poreans or S’pore PRs

In a statement released today, MOH revealed that there are a staggering 942 new cases today.

According to them, “the vast majority of whom are Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.”

And of this 942 cases, only 14 are Singaporeans or Singapore PRs.

Yesterday, the number of Singaporean or Singapore PR cases is at 22.

Which means the number of local cases has dropped by quite a bit.

More details of today’s cases would be revealed later tonight, which we’ll include an update here once it’s out, just like what we did to yesterday’s article.

Circuit Breaker: Working

Yesterday, it was already revealed that the Circuit Breaker has brought in positive results, as MOH stated that they “appear to have helped, but we still have to monitor carefully the numbers over the next few days.”

However, a concern they had was that there could have been undetected cases in the community, as they tested a small sample of patients in their primary care facilities and found some positive cases. If that sounds too chim, it basically means they randomly tested people and found them to be positive lah.

And by the way, at this moment, we now have more cases than Malaysia: Malaysia now has 5,251 cases while Singapore, with today’s number, would put us at 5,992.

In the meantime, if your life goal is to monitor the number of cases in Singapore and are now just standing by for tonight’s full details, you can binge-watch our YouTube videos (and remember to subscribe to us), like this one here:

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