Poor Cat Caught On Video Being Hit By Chinese Man, Woman Filming Laughs & Posted It On IG Story

Abusing any living thing, much less a helpless animal should never be tolerated.

It’s one thing to carry out this evil act behind closed doors, but it’s another thing to film it happening and post it on social media.

But this couple took it to a whole other level when the person filming it had the cheek to laugh while the abuse was taking place:

Man Filmed Beating Cat While Woman Laughs, SPCA Investigating

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) has confirmed that they are investigating the incident after a video of a man hitting a cat for urinating went viral.

Image: Giphy

The video was originally posted by a woman on her Instagram Story and featured a man holding a ginger cat by the scruff of its neck.

He then shouted at the cat and hit it, saying in Mandarin, “If you urinate, I will hit you.”

Image: Twitter (@Neseruler)

The cat then began urinating midway through the ordeal.

This was when the woman began to laugh and even zoomed in.

Image: Giphy

The ordeal was not over for the cat. The man then lifted it up by the scruff of its neck before the video shut off.

Image: Twitter (@Neseruler)

Lest you’re unaware, according to veterinary behaviourist Stephanie Borns-Weil, scruffing an adult cat or holding it by the skin of its neck is not advisable as it can cause fear, anxiety and aggression.

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The Video Was Reposted On Twitter

The woman who originally uploaded the video on her Instastory has since deactivated her Instagram account.

However, the video has been reposted to Twitter where it garnered as many as 350,000 views, 18.8k retweets and 498 comments.

Needless to say, fellow netizens were not pleased with the horrifying video.

Some even speculated that the cat had urinated in the first place due to fear.

Image: Twitter (@Neseruler)
Image: Twitter (@Neseruler)

SPCA’s Response

AsiaOne has since gotten in touch with SPCA and they have responded.

The director of SPCA Singapore, Jaipal Singh Gill said that the organisation is in touch with the cat’s owner and an investigation has been launched to look into the incident.

Gill also agreed with netizens’ speculation and said that it was “very likely” that the cat was urinating out of fear.

“It is unfortunately not uncommon for animals to be physically abused if they have done something wrong in the eyes of their owner. There is no need to shout at, terrify or beat an animal in the name of training.”

“This old school approach is completely counterproductive. There are effective humane and science-based methods to train an animal. If any pet owner wants to find out more, they can contact the SPCA.”

SPCA Receives 80-90 Reports Of Alleged Cruelty To Animals Each Month

It’s unsettling to know that SPCA receives an average of 80-90 reports of alleged cruelty to animals every month.

In fact, SPCA even offers monetary rewards for cases of extreme abuse when there is a need to look for witnesses.

A monetary award was put in place as they hope that the alleged abusers will be brought to justice if more information is provided.

How To Report Cruelty To Animals

If you witness an act of cruelty that results in injury or death of an animal, do not hesitate to do the following:

  1. Call the police at 999 immediately and inform SPCA at 6287 5355 (ext 9). They operate 24/7.
  2. 2. Take a picture or video of the suspect if it is safe to do so. Note any distinguishing features of the person and clothing/accessories worn or vehicle numbers.
  3. 3. If the animal is dead, do not move the body. Note the exact location (street name/bus stop number/lamp post number etc.). Take a picture of the animal and the surrounding area. Forward all images/videos to [email protected]

Let’s keep our furry friends safe and out of the hands of cruel people.

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