Elderly Jurong Hawker Continued Selling Food Despite Showing Covid-19 Symptoms & Was Tested Positive After

The scary thing about the COVID-19 is that its symptoms seem like the run of the mill, everyday flu.

Flu or cough? Who needs a doctor, I’ll just pop some panadol.

News flash: It’s not just your everyday flu, it’s a highly contagious coronavirus that can kill.

Image: mrwgifs.com

Although the large majority are aware of this and actually stay home when they’re ill, not everyone grasps the severity of it.

Cai Png Stall owner in Jurong Allegedly Continued Working Despite Showing Covid-19 Symptoms

A hawker who runs a cai png stall at Jurong Port Road Food Centre allegedly continued working although he had COVID-19 symptoms.

Image: Four Square

His wife who also displayed COVID-19 symptoms stopped work. Unfortunately, he himself did not, according to 8World News.

Both of them have since tested positive last Friday and are linked to the SAFRA Jurong cluster.

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They Are Case 129 and 130

The hawkers are cases 129 and 130 and are husband and wife, a 68-year-old woman and a 66-year-old-man.

The Ministry Of Health confirmed these cases on 6 March.

Case 129, the wife, was in charge of handling the food. She observed symptoms on 2 March and stopped going to work.

Case 130, her husband, displayed symptoms earlier than she did on 24 February.

Unfortunately, he continued to report to work for the next 4 days and was working at the stall up till 28 February.

Image: Tenorntly

They are currently being treated at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.

The only good news about this case is that the other hawkers at Jurong Port Road Hawker Center have not observed a dip in business.

The centre has also been thoroughly disinfected after the incident was revealed.

A Hairdresser Also Served Customers While Having COVID-19 Symptoms

Unsurprisingly, this is not the only incident whereby someone who has COVID-19 symptoms reported to work.

In a separate incident, a 58-year-old hairdresser who works from her home in Jurong West Street 74 had attended to 10 customers while she was ill.

She was confirmed to have the virus on Saturday and is also linked to the SAFRA Jurong dinner cluster.

However, to her credit, she did wear a mask at all times and also informed her customers in advance that she was not feeling well.

“Some of them I told over the phone (that I was sick), and the rest I told them when they arrived at my house. But most of them said they were not worried,” she said.

She also went to see the doctor twice and both times, she was told that she had a regular cold.

She only tested positive for the virus when she paid a visit to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital after feeling uneasy.

Please Stay Home When You’re Sick

If anything, the above only proves just how important it is to stay home when we’re feeling unwell.

It’s understandable that some people might think that life still has to go on and that we still need to go to work and earn a living.

But at the end of the day, the price we have to pay is the possibility of endangering our own lives when we don’t get proper medical attention ASAP and risking the lives of everyone who comes into contact with us.

Moral of the story? Please don’t go to work when you’re sick. Stay home and seek the advice of a medical professional.

The Elderly Might Have Missed The Memo

Now, you’re thinking: wah, these elderly should’ve known better. Right? The thing is, they might not.


While internet-savvy people like you and me understand the severity of the situation since we’re getting bombarded with news about it daily, the elderly in Singapore (some of whom don’t go onto Facebook or understand English) might’ve missed it.

I mean, my editor’s mom thought the Covid-19 came about because people’s immune systems are too weak today.

So spare some time to talk to your parents or grandparents about the situation.

And if they don’t believe you because you’ve been too naughty a kid when you’re young, get them to go to this link instead.

There, you can find posters that explain the entirety of the Covid-19 situation in Singapore clearly in uncomplicated terms.


And if they don’t understand English, these posters are available in the 4 main languages of Singapore too.

Situation In Singapore

As of 10 March, the total number of confirmed cases in Singapore now stands at 166. Of this, 93 have fully recovered and have been discharged. The number of people in ICU is 12, which is an increase from yesterday’s 10.

The conditions of the remaining patients are stable or improving.

Stay safe everyone, do remember to exercise proper personal hygiene and avoid crowded places.

In the meantime, keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.

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