Some Cops in China Wearing High-Tech Helmets That Can Detect if Others Have a Fever

Officer: Sir, you’re under arrest. 

Man: Wait why? 

Officer: You’re hot

Man: This is not the time for flirting, officer. What did I do?

Officer: You’re so hot you could be a danger to others.

Man: *blushes* Ok, ok, I’ll go on a date with you.

Officer: *takes out handcuffs*

Man: Oh boy, you’re into this. Uh, can you at least buy me dinner first?

Some Cops in China Wearing High-Tech Helmets That Can Detect if Others Have a Fever

It’s 2020 and the future is here, dear reader.

As you know, the number of Covid-19 cases in the world recently surpassed the 100,000 mark. Affected countries all over the world are stepping up precautionary measures to contain the spread of the disease.

While Singaporeans are told to wash their hands, police officers in China have started to wear AI-powered smart helmets which can automatically take pedestrians’ temperatures as they patrol the streets.

Image: Daily Mail

These police officers must be thrilled that after years of hard physical training and draining examinations they’ve been stationed to stand outside and wear helmets.

According to the Daily Mail, these high-tech helmets have infrared cameras which will sound an alarm if anyone in a radius of five metres has a fever.

Image: Daily Mail

So, if you’re in China and have a fever, watch out, the police are coming for you (they won’t actually arrest you, of course).

It also has the scary and privacy-invading capacity to display the pedestrian’s personal information, such as their name, because it’s equipped with facial-recognition technology.

Image: Daily Mail

Officers in major Chinese cities are now using the device as people get back to work with the abatement of the disease.

While we live in 2020, China is living in 2200.

Created to fight the coronavirus

A deadly epidemic is the mother of invention, as they say.

The device, named Smart Helmet N901 – was developed by Shenzhen-based tech firm Kuang-Chi.

The company claims that it has produced the futuristic helmet especially to help fight the coronavirus.

“This is a highly intelligent wearable device specifically designed to address the many challenges in the prevention of the epidemic,” a spokesperson said.

It would only take two minutes to scan a queue of more than 100 people, reported the Daily Mail.

So, if you see your boss wearing a similar-looking helmet in the office, it’s not because he’s weird, he just cares about you.

While many other countries, including Singapore, are experiencing a spike in Covid-19 cases, China reported just 99 new cases on Saturday, its first daily increase of less than 100 since 20 January 2020.

One of the reasons why the disease continues to spread is that many inconsiderately go out in public and have contact with others even though they’re sick or have the disease.

Maybe one day we’ll produce a helmet that’ll enable people to use their brains.

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