Everything About The Singtel Staff Who Tested Positive For Covid-19 Just Yesterday

In the latest turn of events in the COVID-19 Singapore saga, a Singtel employee was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus on Thursday night.

The telco broke the news today and revealed that the patient is being treated in a hospital.

Just bought a phone from Singtel? Don’t fret, you might not have to Netflix and chill at home for 14 days:

Everything About The Singtel Staff Who Tested Positive For Covid-19 Just Yesterday

According to The Business Times, the affected staff did not meet customers and wasn’t one of the five new cases reported by the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Thursday.

In addition to this, Singtel is reportedly supporting him and his family in every way that they can.

The male employee worked at Level 20 of the Singtel Comcentre 1 and was last in the office on 26 February before going on medical leave.

Lest you’re unaware, Singtel Comcentre is located at Exeter road.

This just shows how important it is to see the doctor when you’re unwell instead of stubbornly reporting to work.

Source: giphy

Crisis averted.

Singtel Has Taken Action

A Singtel spokesman revealed that the telco’s immediate priority is to manage and minimise the risk of infection at Singtel Comcentre.

Thus, the action that they’ve taken to prevent the spread is to close off Level 20 of the building.

In addition, a MOH-approved cleaning crew was brought in overnight to carry out a thorough cleaning and disinfection of the entire floor.

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Singtel is also taking no chances when it comes to their employees’ health.

Employees working on the same floor have also been instructed to work from home for 14 days, monitor themselves for symptoms of the virus and to maintain a social distance away from each other.

This will occur while Singtel completes contact tracing in tandem with MOH.

According to The New Paper, Singtel also added, “We will continue to stay vigilant to protect the health and well-being of our staff.”

Singtel Precautionary Measures Enhanced Since DORSCON Orange

In addition to this, Singtel has said that they have been strictly practising team segregation and workplace diversity measures since the announcement of DORSCON Orange.

The telco says it has put into place strict travel bans and declaration requirements. Other than this, there are also stringent visitor controls which are part of their business continuity plans.

They have ensured a higher frequency of disinfection at its office space and installed temperature screening as well as sanitisers.

COVID-19 Situation In Singapore

As of 5 March, Singapore has 117 confirmed cases of the COVID-19. 81 have since been discharged and seven are in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Singtel’s Full Statement

“We regret to inform that one of our colleagues was diagnosed with COVID-19 last night. He is currently in hospital receiving treatment and we are supporting him and his family in every way we can.

Our immediate priority has been to manage and minimise the risk of infection at Singtel Comcentre I where our colleague worked on level 20. He was last in (the) office on 26 February before going on medical leave. We have closed off level 20 and an MOH-approved cleaning crew was brought in overnight to conduct a thorough cleaning and disinfection of the entire floor.

Meanwhile, those working on the same floor have been instructed to work from home for 14 days, closely monitor for symptoms and practice strict social distancing while contact tracing is conducted in tandem with MOH. We are moving as fast as we can to ensure all parties who have been in close contact with our affected colleague can be identified swiftly.

While this is unfortunate news, our team segregation and workplace diversity measures have been strictly practised since DORSCON Orange was announced. This is designed to manage the risk of infection while ensuring minimal disruption to our business operations. Our BCP plans also include strict travel bans and declaration requirements besides stringent visitor controls. We have imposed a higher frequency of cleaning and disinfection of all office premises which are equipped with temperature screening and sanitisers. We will continue to stay vigilant to protect the health and well-being of our staff.”

In short, don’t be paranoid if you’ve been to Singtel Comcentre recently.

And can we give Singtel a round of applause for reacting quickly to the crisis?

Image: Giphy

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