Pet Dog in Hong Kong Tests Positive For Covid-19; Pet Owners Asked To Keep Calm

Previously, China had a spate of fake news about animals which went viral.

An expert’s words about quarantining pets of confirmed Covid-19 patients were allegedly twisted into dogs and cats can spread Covid-19.

With that, dogs and cats are thrown from buildings and died.

Image: The Sun

Back then, the World Health Organisation (WHO) shut down the rumours. They said that there is no “evidence” that pets can be infected.

Well, it seems like evidence has surfaced.

First Pet Doggo Diagnosed With Covid-19

According to Channel Newsasia (CNA), a pet dog in Hong Kong was diagnosed with Covid-19.

Image: SCMP

Hong Kong’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said that repeated tests conducted on the dog, a pomeranian, detected a “low level” of infection.

This, South China Morning Post (SCMP) reports, could’ve meant that the dog picked up traces of the virus from surfaces with its nose and mouth.

Which indicates that the dog could have been infected by its owner, a 60-year-old Covid-19 patient.

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All Pets Of Covid-19 Patients Quarantined

Since last Friday, all pets of Covid-19 patients will be kept in quarantine for 14 days.

Two dogs are already in isolation, one of which is the unfortunate doggo detected with a “low level of infection”. It has not exhibited any symptoms of Covid-19 yet and SPCA said that it is “doing really well”.

The other dog belongs to a different Covid-19 patient and it tested negative for Covid-19.

It will, however, be given the test once again before its release.

As for the infected dog, it will only be released after it’s tested negative.

So, are dog owners safe?

Well, experts only have this to say:

“Don’t Kill Your Pet Dog Just Yet”

The World Organisation for Animal Health has urged all owners to not throw their pets down the building just yet.

Because there is no evidence that pets can transmit the virus to humans or that dogs can fall ill to the coronavirus.

“With regard to the dog in Hong Kong which tested weak positive to Covid-19 virus, these findings suggest that it is likely that the dog is infected with the virus. So far it is not showing relevant clinical signs.”

As long as owners practise good hygiene, they should be safe.

Back in 2003 during the Sars period, “a small number” of pets were tested positive for the virus.

But none of them became sick, nor did they transmit the virus to their owners.

So Relax & Bask In The Furriness Of Your Companion

Experts have recommended that pet owners limit contact with their pets if they suspect them to be infected with the virus.

Meanwhile, also make sure you maintain your personal hygiene, including not touching your face after playing with your pets.

I guess the next thing we need to keep a lookout for is whether any animal falls ill due to Covid-19.

Meanwhile, let’s just bask enjoy our time with our lovely pets, shall we?

Oh, and do bookmark MOH’s website for Covid-19 updates in Singapore.


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