Two Japanese Men On Train Almost Came To Blows After One Coughed Without A Mask

Tensions are high at the moment.

With the Covid-19 coronavirus spreading all over the world, people are constantly on edge.

According to World of Buzz, Japan has announced that schools and tourist spots will be shutting their doors temporarily, with over 256 confirmed cases and six confirmed deaths in the country so far.

And in such a situation, when there is a deadly disease spreading like wildfire, a simple cough can trigger even an old man on a train.

Fight Almost Broke Out On Japan Train When A Young Man Coughed Without A Mask

During a journey on one of Tokyo’s busiest trains, a passenger made the mistake of coughing without a mask.

According to Japan Today,  an older man who had been sitting nearby lost his temper when he heard the younger man coughing and went over to confront him.

Image: World of Buzz

The older man then starts shouting at the cougher, scolding him in a tone that would scare Dwayne Johnson.

After giving him a loud earful, the older man backs away and sits down again. The young man retaliates by telling the older man that he’s the one acting strangely, which obviously angers the old man.

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The old man then walks back up to the cougher and gets so close to the man’s face that you think they’re about to smooch, but then he starts shouting as loud as he did before.

Image: Twitter

This time, the older man uses coarse language to tell the younger passenger that he’s to blame for what’s happening.

Though I must say it’s a bit strange to get up in someone’s face like that while scolding them for spreading germs.

It’s at this point that two female onlookers step in to try and calm the man down, and the video appears to end at a stalemate.

Image: Giphy

Fortunately, the argument ended without a physical fight. Though, as with every other issue on the internet, netizens were divided.

Some said the older man should have kept his cool, while others said the younger guy should have just said sorry to diffuse the situation.

This brings to mind another incident in Japan where a man pressed the emergency button because another passenger coughed without a mask.

Both of the passengers were made to alight at the next station and the train was delayed for several minutes while the stationmaster attempted to calm both men down.

As I said, tensions are high at the moment.

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