Pigeons Found With Blowgun Darts In Bodies At Jurong West, Police Report Lodged

This just in: humans are horrible creatures.

It’s not uncommon to come across cases of animal abuse in the news because, for some unexplained reason, many people enjoy inflicting pain on animals.

This time, it isn’t a cat or dog but a poor little pigeon.

Pigeons Found With Blowgun Darts In Bodies At Jurong West, Police Report Lodged

Wildlife rescue group Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) has filed a police report after two pigeons were found with darts embedded in their bodies.

A member of the public had found a rock pigeon with a dart in its body at 864 Jurong West Street 81 and alerted ACRES on 28 Feb.

pigeon with blowdart
Image: Facebook (ACRES)

When ACRES arrived at the scene, they found another pigeon with two similar darts in its body, before flying away.

another pigeon with two blowdarts
Image: Facebook (ACRES)

What monster would do such a thing?

Thankfully, the rescued pigeon is currently recovering and will undergo a procedure where the dart will be removed safely, ACRES said.

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The suspect could have used blowpipe or dart gun

ACRES suspects that the abuser could have been using a blowpipe or a dart gun to abuse these birds.

Did this abuser time travel here from ancient times? Who even uses a blow dart anymore?

Image: Made-In-China.com

The darts found were blowgun darts of about 10cm in length.

Image: Facebook (ACRES)

ACRES condemned the abuser’s actions in a post on Facebook.

“It is not only an act of cruelty and violence to put the innocent birds through pain and suffering, but possession of such weapons or sale of such items online should be strictly regulated considering the pain they can cause to any animal or human on whom it is targeted at”.

They added that these cases have been filed with the police and National Parks Board for investigation.

ACRES appealed for anyone with relevant and useful information on the case to contact them at [email protected]

Let’s hope this cruel abuser is caught and punished for their disgusting actions.

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