Phua Chu Kang COVID-19 Video is Better Than The SAR-vivor Rap

When it comes to SARS, some of us just remember this:

The SAR-vivor Rap isn’t just a song—it’s a testimonial that the authorities can use humour to convey important message. It was played so often in TV that some of us can memorize the lyrics: even up to today.

And now, with the Internet getting noisier every day, it’s almost imperative that we need one more of such video to stand out. Dry, informative video isn’t going to break out from the noise, and so, Phua Chu Kang is back.

This time, it’s not a rap but a simple informative and entertaining video about COVID-19.

Here, if you need die-die need to share anything, here’s the video you should share:

And since we can’t be as entertaining as PCK, here are the points Phua Chu Kang has mentioned:

  • Don’t pray pray
  • Practise good personal hygenie
  • Check your temperature two times a day
  • Don’t anyhowly touch your face with your hand
  • Keep your house well-ventilated
  • Be socially responsible
  • Try not to shake hands during this period
  • When you squeeze or cough, cover your mouth with a tissue paper
  • Wear a mask if you’re sick, and don’t go to crowded places. See a doctor instead
  • Stay at your designated locations if you kena LOA or quarantine order
  • Don’t pray pray

Of course, Phua Chu Kang made it even more entertaining.

If you’ve not watched it, here’s the video again:

Why are you still here? Watch that video and share it lah.

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