nCoV Deaths Now Over 1,000; Infections at More Than 42K

I know you’re probably devising a plan on how many relatives you can rush down to the nearest FairPrice to help you stock up on rice and instant noodles given the newly implemented purchase limit.

But before you let the kiasu virus take over, let me give you the low down on the current novel coronavirus aka nCoV situation:

nCoV Deaths Now Over 1,000; Infections at More Than 42K

In the latest update of the Wuhan virus situation, the number of deaths in China due to the coronavirus outbreak surged to a whopping 1,011 nationwide today.

This came after the epicentre of the outbreak, Hubei province, announced that there have been 103 new deaths.

Image: Giphy

Hubei’s health commission provides a daily update regarding the situation and yet another 2,097 new cases solely in the central province have been confirmed.

In total, there have been as many as 42,200 novel coronavirus cases all over China.

Advance Team For World Health Organization Arrives In China

Given the current dire situation in China, the rest of the world isn’t just sitting around.

An advance team for a World Health Organization-led international expert mission on the virus led by Bruce Aylward visited China on Monday.

Aylward was also in charge of the organization’s 2014-2016 response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.

WHO chief also pointed out that there have been “concerning instances” of confirmed cases abroad with no apparent link and travel history to China.

While Britain has warned that the outbreak of the Wuhan virus is a “serious and imminent threat”.

On the other hand, US President Donald Trump claims that the Wuhan outbreak will disappear in April as a result of the hotter weather, which not all US health officials seem to agree with.

Here in Singapore, the DORSCON code has been raised to Orange amidst the surge in confirmed cases with no apparent links to previous cases and no recent travel history to China.

But never fear, the best way to overcome this virus as a nation would be to practice good personal hygiene and remember not to touch your face.

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