3 More Coronavirus Cases in S’pore with Unknown Sources Yet: 1 of Them a Bangladeshi

While people might have stopped hoarding in supermarkets, there hasn’t been much good news from the latest updates by MOH.

Today, there are three more new cases, and none of them have been to China recently.

And also, the number of patients that needed to be in ICU has increased to six.

Here’s today’s update.

3 More Coronavirus Cases in S’pore with Unknown Sources Yet

Three new confirmed cases were announced today.

They’re a 71-year-old Singaporean, a 54-year-old Singaporean and a 39-year-old Bangladeshi.

The 71-year-old had visited a GP on 1 February, and after a few more visits, he was taken to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and was tested positive yesterday afternoon.

The other 54-year-old Singaporean had the same experience; after an onset of symptoms that didn’t clear despite visits to GPs, he was isolated and eventually tested positive.

The third patient, a Bangladeshi, is a work pass holder. He, too, reported symptoms and didn’t get well after seeking treatment in GPs, and was eventually transferred to NCID whereby he was tested positive yesterday afternoon. Prior to his hospital admission, he has been to Mustafa Centre.

Now, for people who’ve hoarded for daily essentials in Mustafa Centre, don’t worry: he was admitted to the hospital on 7 February 2020. In addition, being in the same place is not considered close contact unless you’ve a habit of sharing a meal with a stranger. But seriously, hoarding is not cool so don’t do it again.

All of them have no recent travel history to China, and it’s so far unknown if they’re related to any clusters or any other confirmed links.

Conversely, MOH has confirmed three main clusters:

  • The Life Church and Mission Singapore (led to 5 infections)
  • Yong Thai Hang shop (led to 9 infections)
  • Grand Hyatt Singapore (led to 3 infections in Singapore and 4 infections overseas)

6 Patients Now in ICU

Yesterday, it was reported that 4 patients were in ICU.

Today, 6 of them are in critical condition and are in ICU.

The good news is that 4 people have been discharged.

In other words, there are 43 confirmed cases here—4 have been discharged and 6 are in critical condition.

The remaining 33 patients are in stable condition.

As usual, MOH is dong contact tracing. 892 close contacts are still in Singapore, and MOH has managed to contact 845. They are still trying to contact the other 47 close contacts.

As of today, 98 cases are still pending.

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