S’pore Celebrities Explain The Wuhan Coronavirus in Cantonese, Hokkien & Teochew

There are plenty of information and updates about the Wuhan coronavirus in Singapore. Unfortunately, most, if not all of them, are in English or Mandarin.

And the older generation of Singaporeans might not be fluent in both languages.

Well, if you’ve always wanted to tell your grandparents about the Wuhan coronavirus, but couldn’t find the time, or your dialect is barely passable, let celebrities like Xiang Yun or Zheng Geping tell them instead.

Singapore Celebs Explain Wuhan Coronavirus in Dialect

There are three dialects available: Hokkien, Teochew and Cantonese.

The videos were released on 5 Feb 2020.

In the series of 1-minute videos, the celebrities convey basic information, tips and guidelines to Singaporeans.

They also ask for Singaporeans to maintain their personal hygiene, to always wash their hands with soap and water.

Fake news was also mentioned, and Singaporeans are asked to verify any messages they received.

If unable to verify, they are encouraged not to spread the messages.

The celebrities also mentioned that if you’re sick, to visit the doctor with a facemask. If you’re not, there’s no need to wear one.

So no point hoarding many in your home.

You Can Watch The Videos Below:

Cantonese version:

Hokkien version:

Teochew/Hokkien version:

Share These Videos With The Elderly

It can be really scary not knowing what’s going on. Especially if all you hear is third-hand information from others, which could be heavily tainted with fear and worries.

With the amount of fake news spreading about the Wuhan coronavirus, it is more important than ever to give the elderly accurate information.

Imagine them taking fake advice seriously. They might just get infected with the coronavirus because they believed in the wrong things.

Couple that with the fact that their health cannot be compared to young people, it might just result in the loss of lives.

There are also unscrupulous people making use of the crisis to scam people.

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