S’pore Government Lists Down the SOP When a Wuhan Virus Suspect Case is Found

Have you been feeling a little under the weather these days? Are you afraid that you might have been exposed to the Wuhan virus without you knowing?

With the spread of the novel coronavirus being so rampant these days, it doesn’t hurt to take more precautionary measures to ensure that we are protected from it.

Image: gov.sg

So What Exactly Happens When Someone Is Suspected Of Having Been Infected With The Virus?

Once someone is suspected of having the virus, they will be transferred via ambulances to hospitals and isolated from the general public to minimise their exposure to them.

In cases where the patient is suffering from a fever or respiratory symptoms like cough or shortness of breath and have travelled to any part of China in the last 14 days, medical personnel will don personal protective equipment just to be safe. The equipment will include masks, gloves, gowns, caps, and goggles.

Now, just because they are wearing protective equipment does not mean that the patient that they are handling has been confirmed to have the virus, so don’t be alarmed. Furthermore, many suspect cases have turned out to just be other mild diseases like the common flu.

What Should I Do If I Feel Unwell After Travelling Overseas?

When you notice that you are feeling unwell, the first thing you should do is not to panic, but rather, put on a surgical mask and see a doctor immediately.

It would definitely be helpful if you call the clinic you’re visiting beforehand to inform the doctor of your symptoms and travel history so that they can take the necessary precautions.

You should then take private transport to the clinic so as to avoid being exposed to others.

Here are some of the symptoms of the novel coronavirus infection that you should take note of:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Shortness of breath

Is There A Need To Avoid Places Where Suspected Cases Have Been?

The simple answer is no. There is no need for that.

According to our government’s website, the National Environment Agency (NEA) works closely with residents and owners of premises so as to make sure that cleaning and disinfection of areas are done “in accordance with NEA’s guidelines”.

They also ensure this by supervising the cleaning and disinfection works for areas that have been exposed to the confirmed cases.

Should I Be Worried If I’ve Been Exposed To A Suspected Case?

While the coronavirus is highly contagious, the risk for you to get an infection through temporary contact with a person suspected of having the virus is relatively low. Temporary contact would include being on public transport or in public places.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) will conduct contact tracing to determine close contacts which are in this case people who have been within 2m and have spent a prolonged period of time of at least 30 minutes with the individual.

Close contacts will subsequently receive a list of instructions from MOH officials about what measures they should take next.

So don’t be too worried. Just follow the above steps and you’ll be fine!

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