Some People in China Are Killing Cats & Dogs After Fake News Rumours That They Carry the Virus

The Wuhan virus in China is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, it’s getting much worse and frighteningly so.

At the time of writing, the total number of confirmed cases worldwide has reached over 14,500, surpassing that of SARS.

In total, there have been 305 deaths, the bulk of which has happened in China.

However, the very first Wuhan virus-related death has occurred outside of China and it involves a 44-year-old man.

But apparently, humans aren’t the only ones at the mercy of this novel coronavirus.

Due to misinformation and fake news, innocent pets like cats and dogs are also being killed.

Warning: The pictures in this article might be disturbing to some.

Some People in China Are Killing Cats & Dogs After Fake News Rumours That They Carry the Virus

Disturbing pictures are infiltrating the internet consisting of dead cats and dogs. And no, they didn’t just drop dead and die.

These pets are being thrown from blocks of flats. For instance, one dog was found dead after being thrown in Tianjin City in Hebei Province, the epicentre of the Wuhan virus.

Five cats were also found dead after being thrown to death in Shanghai. They are believed to be house pets judging from their smooth and clean fur.

Local media reported that the poor pet was thrown from a high floor at around 4am, smashing into the sunroof of a car before ending up on the ground.

Image: The Sun


Image: The Sun

This followed various fake news reports regarding pets being able to spread the dreaded coronavirus.

It all began when a Chinese state TV said, “If pets come into contact with suspected patients, they should be quarantined.”

However, a local media allegedly twisted her words into “cats and dogs can spread the coronavirus”.

It was not long before people starting picking up the fake news on social media platform Weibo.

However, the World Health Organisation has shut down these claims, “There is no evidence showing that pets such as cats and dogs can contract the novel coronavirus, according to the World Health Organisation.”

Some Owners Are Even Buying Face Masks For Their Pets

Besides trying to kill their pets, some people in China have also begun to purchase face masks for their pets after allegations that pets might be able to contract the coronavirus.

We hope that people exercise responsibility when spreading news. Always refer to reputable sources and cross-check among other reputable sites.

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