Minister: If We Don’t Cooperate, More Measures for Circuit Breaker Might be Imposed

You’ve got to admit that even though stricter measures have been put into place by the Singapore authorities since 7 Apr, we’re still enjoying a certain degree of freedom.

Just read our article on the differences between Singapore’s Circuit Breaker and Malaysia’s Movement Control Order:

But this freedom that we have might be gone soon.

Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) Warns Of Even Stricter Measures 

Minister Lawrence Wong is the face of Singapore’s battle against Covid-19.

In a press conference on 9 Apr, he warns Singaporeans about possible tighter measures during the circuit breaker.

“Over the coming days as we monitor movement, we may very well have to tighten up some more.”

Now, before you complain that it’s not fair, damnit.

Know that they didn’t anyhowly make up new rules on the spot, just like how our boss set the office rules.

They Observe Our Behaviour And The Results Before Thinking Up Something New

For example, stadiums were originally open for people to work out.

But after seeing how people disregarded rules and still turn up to exercise in groups, they are now closing the stadiums.

The MTF might even restrict movements further or close down small premises if they don’t see any improvement in the situation.

Wet Markets

So far, shopping malls are doing really well when it comes to controlling the crowd and making sure everybody’s doing safe distancing.

But wet markets are a whole different story.

And now, the government’s stepping in with enhanced crowd management measures like controlled entry and exit points (just like shopping malls) and safe-distancing queues.

People who go to the wet markets often are also asked to cut down on their frequency and try to avoid peak hours from 7.30 to 10.30am.

The Key Factor

At the end of the day, all the MTF wants to see is a drop in local cases and unlinked cases.

Which makes sense, if you think about it.

This sort-of-a-lockdown has caused the Singapore economy to lose $10 billion (not inclusive of the over $50 billion stimulus packages).

There needs to be some sort of justification for the spending, right?

Here’s an analogy:

It’s just like you going to a fine-dining restaurant and paying over a hundred bucks per pax. You’ll be expecting delicious food and an incredible ambience, right?

Who cares if the chef or waiters are in a bad mood on that day. I need to get my money’s worth.

“A the end of the day, as we said, the key to the success of this circuit breaker is if everyone minimises movement and stays at home as much as possible.”

It’s a simple request, honestly, but based on my understanding of Singaporeans, we’re probably going to look at enhanced CB measures soon.

There will always be a small minority of people who spoils it for the rest of us, just like errant PMD riders.

There’s a reason why people always say Singaporeans don’t deserve nice things.


By the way, it’s also mentioned that this circuit breaker could extend if the situation doesn’t improve, similar to Malaysia.


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